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Is the film over? Is this the last scene?
Potus and the team have set up the film, and have let it play out.
We now leave the cinema.
Sidney Powell was asked: "Why do you think that President Trump, who was given so much of this information ... why do you think he chose not to listen to this evidence and take the advice of - you know - attorneys, that arent even election attorneys like Pat Cippolione?"
not for TRUMP -- against corruption
1) Trump shut down economy
2) Trump did not arrest Hillary nor prosecute Tech Companies
3) Trump promoted vaccines instead of KNOWN CURES
Notice anything different with the flag?
This is from President Trump's speech yesterday
Lilah on says
"Are you sure QBS is same as QFS? QBS was Gould's thing. But the "idea" was taken and QFS is just a centralized system under the banking cabal. The websites for each are totally different too."
I answer:
Thanks. I know QTeam took down the cabal as here:
I know QFS is installed worldwide and soon to be activated.
Perhaps QTeam
As a Texan, environmentalists,I despise you and curse you:
How one Texas storm exposed an energy grid unprepared for climate change
WASHINGTON — A devastating <a href=""
www.nbcnews.comWhere is Obama?
I compared the Obama in the fake Biden’s fake inauguration, guess what? Obama had ear surgeries.
Look carefully - different ears, different eye brows (real Obama has much thicker eyebrows), different hairlines (although one can argue men lose hair). But can ear shapes change? AND, different veins on the forehead.
Wow. When are they going to stop bullshitting us?
Someone was able to take a picture of “Trump” in his car yesterday in west palm beach.
I am not convinced that’s the real Trump. Look at the different ears. What do you think?
Also Monkey said there’s no TFR in west palm beach.
Looks like there are lots of body doubles these days?
It’s comforting to know that Trump is completely insulted and safe in a secret location.
But... we are just ruled by body doubles now? What kind of a joke is that?
Long term infrastructure damage to texas will be enormous. Power facilities will need to be reworked for cold weather operations. Green energy has failed, and electric cars only contribute to the unbearable demand on the grid.
NEW PODCAST: I'm not going to dwell in how bad everything sucks. Instead, we are going to work from the ground up to teach people about where freedom comes from and why you're born with it. We must re-establish "freedom zones" locally, and nullify tyrannical federal overreach. Listen to today's podcast to learn about this philosophical framework for freedom:
I think it is time to change the law so those guilty of pedophilia receive death penalty. I am sick of this shit. We cannot let this go!
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comComing to a neighborhood near you. Joe Biden dismantled a Trump-era policy that granted state and local governments the legal power to refuse refugees.
a.k.a more free loaders & democrat voters!!
U.S. President Joe Biden dismantled a Trump-era policy that granted state and local governments the legal power to refuse refugees.
trib.alHow insane is this? Amazon rolling out police state surveillance cameras on all its delivery vehicles, to spy on people who aren't even Amazon customers
Fight For the Future, a digital rights group, says that beyond fueling the expansion of the police surveillance state, these cameras mean that even if you don't use Amazon you — and your kids — are going…
Children's Health DefenseYup, almost all are Wimpy RINO's and DC Establishment Leeches of your tax dollars..
EARTHQUAKE UPDATE FROM DUTCHSINSE. Major seismic activity spreading from on-going west Pacific deep quake event. Take a look at the following link if it interests you.
"...Super Bowl this Sunday - Fly over by B1 as normal. ..."
"...Three different Air Force Global Strike Command bombers will conduct a first-of-its-kind trifecta flyover during the National Anthem performance at Super Bowl LV ...demonstrating the flexibility of AFGSC’s bombers and their ability to deploy anywhere in the world ...
"normal"? or "first-of-its-kind" ? Not interested in NFL but might be worth watching to find out.
Super Bowl this Sunday - Flyover by B1 as normal. But it would be so good if something was written on the underside of the airframe for the audience to see...
www.simonparkes.orgYesterday Biden supposedly met 10 republicans in the “Oval Office” to discuss covid relief. People on the ground in DC were told that meeting was canceled, but the media then reported the meeting happened, with footage.
I compared Biden’s Oval Office (on the right) to Trump’s (on the left). Look what I found - is there any reason for Biden to add a junction box there?
Are those 10 republicans in the Biden “oval office” also the 10 who will vote for impeaching Trump in the coming weeks?
Creepy people. Look at them.
Oh, Myanmar’s voting machine software was made by a Chinese company in Shanghai. Surprise!