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@GansettGal Actually the interview I saw here was about smart data collection cameras being installed everywhere NOW -- inside and outside, big cities and small towns, intersections, street lights, and smart light poles installed in the middle of the night (photos). Cameras at airports, hospitals, schools, retail, public and private places. Why? Facial recognition ID, complete survelience, no privacy, social credit score, and total control.
I didn't write the description- and you are right that's what it's about, It aligns with what @oculmlabs is saying
have a look at the people who will live in luxury and vaxx-free after the Reset:
The individuals below were searched and found by whistle blowers in the CSRQ-SM software over the past eight months.
Oculum Labs@oculumlabs @SteveQuayle - would you please look at this This social credit score - tied to jab status - will enslave humanity. Interestingly, it shows that YOU are one of us- you didn't sell out to the beast system. PLEASE help us get the word out on your podcasts! Thank you
more coming- very important information coming out now
Please share info as we can de-stabilize it with increased awareness
Dr Gold, who is also a lawyer says that this discovery opens up a new avenue for lawsuits against the tyrannical vaxxine mandates, citing the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, which protects individuals against discrimination based on their genetic information in health coverage and in employment.
"It's like paying for 2 tanks of gas and getting one free." (according to Sarah Westall) - try it out here
Sarah Westall "for every $1 you spend on the tablets, you save $5."
**Study # 27**
The Beast Government (Part 3)
Follow link to read this study. See comments for link to video study & link for Revealing Revelation Book. 123
Join Revealing Revelation to do a free, in-depth study through the book of Revelation and see up to date news and teachings that tie in with these times. Please help me to get the word out; like, comment and share posts. Thank you
@CrisLWood not if it's on FB
Find this study & many more in Revealing Revelation (This Is Your World) book.
REVEALING REVELATION (This Is Your World): Book 2 [Wood, Cris] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. REVEALING REVELATION (This Is Your World): Book 2 Fear and Anxiety in Perilous Times
@WorldviewReport how can I find the nightly WVR? It's usually on Brighteon & not today or Fri
Does anyone know where I can send Mike's ebooks for printing & spiral binding inexpensively. I can get it done locally but it's pricey.
@GansettGal The only one I knew about was Kinko's and that was in the 1990s. Let us know if you find one; that's a great idea for many documents.
Both Staples and The UPS store offer coil or spiral binding. I've used both.
Thank you
Triple Helix, is the End Game!!
Hear the Ram’s Horn blowing! Triple Helix has always been the end game. The Satanic Elite have found a back door to immortality. The Satanic Elite have corrupted the source
Doomed to Repeat it - Hitler, Castro et al
@GansettGal I REFUSE to have a YOUTUBE account; and this video requires an proof of AGE
via an Youtube account. Let me know when it is on an alternative platform. Please and thank you.
But going by the title, I can assume that the HOLOCAUST never ended;
as none of those that profited were held accountable and the script of the UN
the United Nazis seem to be exactly the same as the holocaust.
Did you know that Bills father worked at the top of IBM when their computers
assisted the holocaust!
It talks about Cuba also
Some key points to consider before getting to the below article: The US Federal Government operating out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. is a foreign invader waging full spectrum soft war against…
2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.comThe US opened up it's emergency oil reserves to ship it to China & elsewhere??!!
Use 1 glass (14oz), 1 plate, 2 knives of different attitudes, a fork and 1 'ice cream' spoon, so you can imagine the wave of serendipity that hit me when I discovered a 2nd identical spoon in the back of the drawer. Now, armed w/two spoons I feel more relaxed, knowing I have back-up...
@arjayem ? What am I missing?
The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for governments to provide 'enhanced surveillance' tracking in order to detect phony COVID-19 variants that they claim are circulating in every country.
Need To Know@ROSEHOON This is why I don't use those watches. I do have a cell phone, but a Faraday bag works well.
First it was CEO Scott Davison of OneAmerica who in January disclosed that deaths were up 40% among people ages 18-64: “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of…
2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.comAnother insurance CEO - deaths up 40%
Silent War Ep. 6230: Pro Baby Death Riots, Bombings, Assaults, Insurrection, Sodomites Spreading Disease in FL
@Brighteon NOTHING was made illegal - it just pushed it back to the states where it belongs
#Curry plant is a spicy #Mediterranean shrub with anti-aging properties
Helichrysum italicum is a flowering shrub that belongs to the large and widespread Asteraceae (daisy) family. It is commonly known as the curry plant because of the strong, curry-like smell of its leaves.…
www.naturalnews.comNot to be confused with curry leaf which is used as a spice.
Although called Curry Plant and smelling like curry powder, it has nothing to do with this mixture of spices, nor with the Curry Leaf Tree (Murraya koenigii).
Snaplant.comSave 20% on gasoline - This product is a catalyst which lowers the ignition temperature of the air/fuel mixture. The fuel starts burning earlier and it sustains for a longer period which gives more energy out of the fuel. More fuel will burn efficiently. The goal is to get as close to a burn rate of 100% as possible, and with the GOVVI tablet, the vehicle’s fuel burn rate very close to 100%. This results in more energy, better mileage, and reduced emissions.
GOVVI tablets are a fuel "catalyst" not a fuel additive with these benefits:
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Super easy for anyone to use!
June 24, 2022
CERN... causing earth's Shields to collapse
-Radiation now Hitting Earth
CERN'S RADIATION in red (below) is breaking through -NORMAL SHIELD
(images below )
- Black circle in center is earth
- Left image = Normal image
-Right image - Radiation (red) is PENETRATING OUR PLANET
SOURCE - BP Earthwatch
@Caligirl_Native I believe that CERN opened up the gates of hell a few years ago when they were trying to "create a portal."
I totally agree with you on CERN -
we all have been sensing this in the atmosphere and in the air -
I live in SW Missouri - My garden is taking 3-4 times the water this year and my green bean plants are so dry and brittle that I am pulling them up -
They are normally dry like this in October.
This Mississippi farmer shows the effect of continual 100 degree heat on his garden and farm
- - famine, etc.
@Caligirl_Native I think this may mean "CERN'S LARGE HADRON COLLIDER TO PERFORM A 13.6 TRILLION ELECTRON VOLTS TEST ON JULY 5, 2022" I can't translate it - can you?