Gardener and artist, former Massage Therapist dreaming of working with people again; fan of Biochar and Permaculture. Nature in all of its awesome Wonder.
Oregon Bill IP13 would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as “sexual assault.” The bill specifies that animals can only be eaten after dying of natural causes (at which point, aged/diseased meat is not good). Traditional farming and ranching would be shut down in favor of lab-grown meat and indoor farms owned by the technocrats — a perfect way to force the population into perfect slavery.

Oregon Bill IP13 would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as “sexual assault.” The bill specifies that animals can only be eaten af…
ice age farmer@Mr_Natural @caulboy
Unfortunately, some people are that stupid & gullible.