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Has the US Government Declared War on Its Citizens?
Yes [THEY] have...

Imagine if the U.S. government targeted a foreign nation state by devaluing its currency, pushing waves of migrants across its borders, undermining the security of its elections, denigrating the unifying…
www.americanthinker.comLindsey Graham wants to read all your communications… Every text, every comment you make…
Read This Commie...

It’s Back: Senators Want EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages People don’t want outsiders reading their private messages —not their physical mail, not their texts, not their DMs, …
CITIZEN FREE PRESSIvermectin and HCQ at airport in Mexico

Ivermectin and HCQ at airport in Mexico
If [THEY] saying it...
[THEY] are PLANNING it!!!
Fireworks! AP Reporter Rips State Dept Spox Over Claims Russia Planning False Flag as Pretext to Invade Ukraine: “This is Alex Jones Territory You’re Getting Into” (VIDEO)

Fireworks flew on Thursday when AP reporter Matt Lee called out Biden’s State Department for falsely claiming that Russia is planning a false flag as a pretext to invade Ukraine. Joe Biden is ready to…
The Gateway PunditMisleading headline again as this is a reauthorization under the EUA and a new name...
Spikevax and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Make sure to scroll down to "Regulatory Information and read the "Letter of Authorization".
After COVID, Never Again

Two years ago, how many people would have predicted that tennis's number one ranked player would be banned from competing in Australia and France for refusing to allow their governments to decide what…
www.americanthinker.comThe TSA’s stunning admission about how illegal aliens board American planes

In response to a congressman's request for information based upon a whistleblower's tip, the TSA admitted that illegal aliens are allowed to fly even if the only identification they have is an arrest warrant…
www.americanthinker.comMassive child sex trafficking ring busted, ran for decades, protected by police in exchange for sex
THIS needs to END...
“Breathalyzer”-style tracking devices to be required in all cars by 2026… does this mean they will also require proof of vaccination before your car will be allowed to start?

The new Biden regime infrastructure bill contains dystopian language requiring all automakers to begin installing "breathalyzer"-style tracking and surveillance systems in new cars starting in 2026. The…
www.naturalnews.comTHE VACCINE DEATH REPORT
The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Scientific evidence that millions have died from the covid injections and billions may lose their lives. Full evidence based report.
Stop World ControlThank you to everyone who answered our call and submitted pictures to make this video possible. There was no way to use all the pictures we received, but we so appreciate each of you who responded.
We encourage you to send this email to everyone you know, and share the link as well. The more people we can reach the louder YOUR voice will be heard.

The latest Gabs from US Freedom Flyers (@USFreedomFlyers). We Stand For Freedom! Visit us at We are a grassroots and freedom-based movement. We do not support or promote work…
gab.com21 3 and 4 year delta's today...
@DiamondTNT He is resting and doing better so far. TY for asking.