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Hello fellow patriots, I’m trying to reach 500k downloads for my new song, Burning Down, I wrote it at the start of the COVID lie, it’s about how the Deep State is taking our rights and destroying our Great Country, Please download and share.
Available wherever you get your music, God Bless all of you!
Also check out my EP Gettin Outta Here

The first song I wrote, recorded with my brother on bass and nephew on lead guitar, both singing back up. Life’s Road

Preview, buy, and download the song "Life's Road" from the album Life's Road - Single for $0.99"How DJT Lost the White House"
Chapter 6, The Aftermath
- Patrick Byrne
This one is a bit long but WELL worth the read. One snippet:
"So Biden is indeed President*, in the same way that Barry Bonds owns the home-run record with 762*, and Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France 6* times."
In my humble tale thus far, I have sought to stick to what I saw, what I heard, and what I knew. In this final installment, I will cover what I think. That means I will be less rigorous and more given…
Deep CaptureWell... let's assume this is a good thing. I guess like all such things there are good and bad uses.

It takes the most exquisite measurements you can imagine, recording the changes in current associated with different bits of DNA.
Stack Overflow Blog"How DJT Lost the White House" Chapter 5
- Patrick Byrne
If you can stomach some more sad truth... I believe this is the last chapter fwiw...
What happened on the afternoon of January 6 is the worst thing that could have happened for the Freedom Movement. Millions of people had descended on DC to protest the theft of our national election and…
Deep Capture"I am, you are" meditation #5
You can read the previous 4 posts in order by scrolling to #1 on my timeline.
The general concept...
Staying out of randomly drifting thought... you're focused on "I am, I am..." while mindful of what you are NOT.
While mentally focused... a sudden "You are" ... points to the observer... recognize and feel the observer... stay alert and follow it... Feel it... Feel how the observer is present in your whole body.
"I am, you are" meditation #4
To where do the words "you are" point? Follow that pointer... again let it spread from the observer in your head to your whole body. Don't think about it... feel it,... feel the observer starting in your head and followed through the body
Again... when you catch yourself drifing in thought go back to "I am, I am,..." without judging yourself for drifting... it happens.. it's part of the process... you want that... you are recognizing it... it's a good thing.
"I am, you are" meditation #3
As soon as you catch yourself thinking instead of feeling and observing go back to "I am, I am, I am"... know that this is NOT you... it is your brain... "I am, I am, I am." then "you are"... alertly follow it to the observer in your head again and feel it passing through your entire body. Feel your body's inner energy.
Again "I am, I am"... this is a mantra of sorts... it keeps your brain focused... then "you are"... who is "you"?
"I am, you are" meditation #2
With the inner voice in your head repeat "I am" as many times as you like... back to back... "I am, I am, I am"... know in the background that these words are of your brain, know that they are not you... "I am, I am, I am"
Then interject a "you are"... pause the inner dialogue and just alertly observe where it goes... where does it land? Who hears the words? Follow it into the observer in your head and all the way into your body.
"I am, you are" meditation #1
The inner voice in your head is of your brain. It is an aspect of the active thinker. The observer or experiencer within you is the real you. The observer is passive and independent of brain and body.
This meditation is designed to strengthen that understanding. When you're in a safe comfortable place...
Joe Biden isn't a trojan horse... he's a puppet.
Ch 4 in Patrick Byrne's series:
"How DJT Lost the White House"
I stayed around in DC for the next several days. Flynn and Sidney left to their own worlds for a few days, but before Mike left we had a conversation. I will use this opportunity to share a bit more about…
Deep CaptureLife, The Universe, and Everything #7
Please read this series of posts in order on my timeline. Scroll down to #1 to start.
God bless you Patriots!
Life, The Universe, and Everything #6
So is the world we experience real?
Yes-ish... our bodies are of this world and are immersed in it... so it's very real in that sense. Our bodies are part of the movement of consciousness and subject to time and change as the movement progresses.
But the consciousness inside us is separate. It is that which is ACTUALLY real.
The experiencer within you is the alternate answer to 42.
Consciousness is Life, The Universe, and Everything.
Life, The Universe, and Everything #5
That which is ultimately real is consciousnes itself... the life inside you. That life is eternal, divine, and infinitely rich and deep.
Our limited perceptions of the movement of consciousness are temporal, they are time bound. So this perceived world is real in that it is where our bodies reside. Our bodies are part of the movement and they are subject to the behavior of the movement ("the things of this world" so to speak).
Life, The Universe, and Everything #4
We experience different levels of consciousness flow.. a rock is a consciousness flow but it can be thought of as a lower level than say a tree which can be thought of as a lower level than a human.
Regardless of what it is "out there" that we're experiencing... it is still the movement of consciousness in one form or another. It is still that which changes, morphs, and fades.
Thus, it is not that which is ultimately real.
Life, The Universe, and Everything #3
Consciousness is one word which brings a connotation of simplicity and ultimately it is that simple. But for most people simplicity doesn't satisfactorily explain the complex world we experience.
Indeed there are rich and complex ways in which the flow of consciousness interacts and builds on itself... the way in which is unfolds and expresses itself. We measure what we can and call it physics.
Life, The Universe, and Everything #2
No amount of spiritual enlightenment changes how your physical body processes information. You still see photons and hear sound waves... that's all the same... physical senses interacting with the physical world.
So then what is this physical world stuff... what is the 42 minus the "Life" part?
It is the movement of consciousness or movement through consciousness or consciousness moving through itself with a constrained perspective.
Life, The Universe, and Everything #1
Deep Thought computed 42, which is an acceptable answer. But if we have an eternal soul and if there is a spiritual world, what's the deal with the physical world in which we live our daily lives?
Well, it exists.
Things we label as photons hit our eyes and sound waves hit our ears. Our bodies can touch "stuff", smell molecules, and taste things. Our brains compute, interpret, label, and decide to help our bodies survive in the physical world.
Good thing we have SCOTUS to protect us... eh-hum.