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Christian, strict Constitutionalist, straight talkin, 5th generation Texan.
Christian, strict Constitutionalist, straight talkin, 5th generation Texan.
I can get behind this.

Amazing! No one reads my posts. Think I'll stop altogether. This country isn't worth saving anymore. After all the years of activism for return to the Constitutional Republic we once had, I'm done. I've worked my ass off in so many ways, but so little response. I am finally done! Signing off.
Texan Alert! All right District is your chance to get another RINO out of office.

Richard is challenging State Rep. Matt Shaheen in the Republican primary for House District 66.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! He surprised me. Not enough, but Abbott did include 2 more issues that were crucial.

The agenda includes school choice, border security, ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and public safety regarding Colony Ridge.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! LOL! I believe this is what you call an oxymoron, " Young Progressive Christians of Dallas"! Who's kidding who?

Allred, now a candidate for U.S. Senate, has supported multiple left-wing policy views on immigration and border security in Congress.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! Okay, I had to add something funny! I love reading the comments section to most anything and this one had me laughing pretty hard. Tells me that California Dade needs to be McCarthy'd! But then, I've been beating that drum for so long, I'm sick of hearing myself sometimes. Just not enough Texans calling their reps and demanding them to get rid of him. Republicans are so spineless!

Readers offer their insights and experiences.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! Raise your hand if you believe RINO Abbott will add it to the special session!

It is estimated that Texas taxpayers have spent $5-$8 billion annually on education for illegal alien children.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! LOL! I believe this is what you call an oxymoron, " Young Progressive Christians of Dallas"! Who's kidding who?

Allred, now a candidate for U.S. Senate, has supported multiple left-wing policy views on immigration and border security in Congress.
Texas Scorecard@holistic Yes and I'm sure the NWO Globalists will install Big Mike as Prez.
Texan Alert! Could someone explain how and why Musk (as intelligent and successful as he is) would go to the border with one of the biggest RINO POS in Texas? I just posted an article about that scumbag and here he is with Musk escorting him around like he gives a ! Anyone?

Musk was joined by U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, whom the Texas GOP censured for violating party principles.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! A Reagan! Just shows how money, money, and power corrupts completely. All the while, families are being destroyed, dreams gone because parents still send their kids to re-education camps, then push the envelope and send them to "higher" re-education camps.

State Sen. Bryan Hughes promises this is not the end and he “looks forward” to defending the law “all the way to the Supreme Court.”
Texas Scorecard@holistic In our dreams! It will never happen. Not enough testosterone in America now.
Texan Alert! Here is our state mammal. This is what our Republican Representatives really are.
Texan Alert! And you wonder why I rail against RINOs in Texas? Because of POS like Gonzalez! RINOs should be the state animal in Texas.

U.S. Rep Tony Gonzales of Texas voted alongside House Democrats to reject an amendment to defund drag shows and “pride” events.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! WOW! I never imagined agreeing with one word out of that sweat shirted Communist's mouth, but this does relate to Texas as well, so here goes. This died in the House because RINO Hunter is good buddies with California Dade Phelan. Very important issue!

A ban on hostile foreign nations buying Texas land died in the state House last Spring.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! If you happen to live in District 2, Schild is the one to vote for. Remember this one thing if you are inclined to vote for one of the other candidates...Dutton and Hyde haven't been showing up for a lot of debates in the district and Roszhart is a weak-kneed RINO. So, you really only have 2 rock solid choices...Money who is another attorney and Schild who has been fighting against California Dade from the beginning. NO MORE RINOS!

The special election will take place on Tuesday, November 7.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! It doesn't matter as long as we're part of the Union. The answer is 1776 for all of us or secession for Texas.

Financial software Intuit has removed its prohibitions on payroll and payment processing for gun manufacturers and sellers after Cruz’s investigation.
Texas ScorecardTexan Alert! Wonder why they took so long? Hmmm...let me think!

The illegal alien settlement in Liberty County is straining local resources.
Texas Scorecard