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The situation for this winter is looking very bleak. Everyone needs to grow as much food as you can. Get seeds now. Some good crops to raise are; sweet corn, potatoes, green beans, squash, turnips, beets, peas. Buy several bottles of a good vitamin mineral supplement as well. There are many videos online for beginners. Many ppl here on this site would be happy to answer your questions. Get right with God, he can guide you. Help as many others as you can.
My husband got a letter from his company today saying he must be "fully vaccinated" by Dec 8th or be terminated. I badly need information on religious exemptions. Not a video, but a link to facts, information, Bible verses that can be used and reasons those verses apply to a religious exemption from getting "vaccinated". Please help!
If you think you're gonna hide and hunker down thru this, you haven't really thought this thru. You won't be able to buy or sell without the Mark (vax). Their system is total control. You won't be able to pay the tax on your property. Regardless of whether you own it or not. Because you'll have to be in their system to pay for anything. Anyone caught helping you will be punished. There is a war brewing. Get yourself right with God. Stand and fight or accept that false god. Those are your chioces
@PattersonGlenFarm @caulboy @Merrily @CurlyConservative @BeccaK @ruler160 @HealthRanger Yes its a great system that we've been doing for about 5 yrs now. I made tunnels down the outside of the garden that can be closed off when we plant in that section. The chickens keep scratching and digging, and that keeps the ground like its just been tilled. They eat most weeds and bugs, so minimal prep before planting.. I recommend everyone try it if you're in an area that allows chickens and such..
@PattersonGlenFarm @caulboy @Merrily @CurlyConservative @BeccaK @ruler160 @HealthRanger We also don't till our garden.. Our system; we have raised beds for some crops and garden area for other crops. Garden is sectioned off into 5 areas, after a crop is harvested, we let the chickens into that section and put goat rabbit manure in it for the chickens to scratch out level and break down. Chickens will be in that section until right before planting in spring..
@HappyAbramster link to that video from gab on brighteon
We keep rehashing the same things over and over. We need to focus on the tru problem. elites need eliminated. They are the useless eaters, and they fund the division in societies around the world, mostly with taxpayer money. Thru their NGO’s… W/o them, the world would be a more peaceful place.. They buy politicians or blackmail them.. Time to take them down and stop fighting amongst ourselves. Take out a half dozen of them, the rest will retreat to underground bunkers. Then we push the hole shut
We have to hold the line ppl... together we are half the country.. They can't fire half the country and expect things to get done... This country would grind to a halt in a hurry.. Those who are prepped up need to help our neighbors and friends get through this... Language Warning in Video..
@TheFullMonte video wont play refused to connect
“Boost” button
@acklvnv Is it lithium ion, or does it use the old lead brass configuration? Lol
Here’s a link to a post I made on a different site.. How to make emergency rabbit pens.. Pics in the post to show you how…

I want to start off by saying this is an Emergency pen. For after SHTF. We want to be able to help other people after SHTF, and one of the best ways, I think is to help them help themselves. I can give…
www.preparedsociety.comDefeating crowd control vehicle .. angle iron welded into the shape of a “jack” (like the kids game) about 8 to 12 inches would work…
I believe God wants us to help as many ppl survive this as we can. Keeping a couple breeding pairs of bunnies could feed many ppl. See pic. Bunnies can eat many of the plants we call weeds. And many leaves from different trees, like apple, maple, grape vine etc. Keep in mind, too much of any one plant or leaf isn’t good. Involving our friends and neighbors in gathering weeds leaves and hay for bunnies, could be the answer to feeding many ppl after shtf..
I remember chatting on yahoo when they had chatrooms... I think it was mid to early 2000's... There was quite a few people from Australia... Most were very Liberal... I asked them about their gun laws and they were so happy to have their new very restrictive gun laws... Very few Aussies were against those laws.. Mostly men that opposed the new laws.. I just wonder if any of those ppl have had a change of heart, or are still blind to what is happening... Pray for them to wake up...
@TheFullMonte - that was the only reason why I visited yahoo, was for the chats on the articles. It was good 50/50 that had a good mind set. Every article about Bill Gates the comments section would tear him apart. Of course they took it away and then I stopped going to yahoo.
@HealthRanger Mike, I haven't heard anyone talk about this covid, vaccines and how biting insects may or may not spread it, or could they be mutated by biting a vaxxed person? And could they transfer anything to another animal that may harm or mutate their dna? Maybe you could get in touch with someone that specializes in that type of science and do a show on that... Keep up the great work brother... Thanks for all you do...
@TheFullMonte - you brought up such a great point.
These elites are parasites, living off the hard work of other ppl… They call us useless eaters, they want to reduce us by 90%… These “elites” are the actual “useless eaters” They produce nothing, they are parasites, they can only survive by the hard work of the common person… I call for a 100% reduction in the “elites”! Problem solved… #elitesaretheuselesseaters
So I made my own vaccine. So far, my vax has been 100% effective with zero adverse reactions. My vax hasn’t had any long term testing, but, big pharma’s hasn’t either. My vax wasn’t FDA approved, but, big pharma’s isn’t either. Because it’s a secret, I don’t have to tell you whats in it, like big pharma, it’s a trade secret. Also, I’ve never been convicted for lying about a medicine and had to pay billions in fines. With the above standards, anyone can make a vax.
Just as a reminder, as far back as 1995 they told you what was going to be coming down the pike…
INTENTIONAL Infections, and then subsequent MANDATORY vaccinations.
How the hell could one have predicted…Unless…
None of this should be a mystery to anyone, it’s all been hidden in plain sight for YEARS.
To all the useful idiots that are helping to enforce these unconstitutional mandates. Cops, Dr.'s, politicians etc. Know this; Once they have everyone under their control, they won't need you anymore, and you'll become one of us. We won't forget that you helped them... Yes, things will be hard for you if you quit now. But, things will be much worse when the overlords throw you to the wolves.