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Greg Hunter nailing it...
By Greg Hunter’s (11.10.23 WNW 607) Big banks are in trouble, but you are not going to hear about it until it’s too late. Banks are losing deposits at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, they…
Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdogSteve Kirsch continues his one man crusade against the bioweapon injections. Why does no one seem to care?? Are people simply resigned to the fact that millions, 10s of millions, perhaps 100s of millions are going to die from these??
Well, I guess war is more attention grabbing.
Nevermind the evil demons who coerced humanity to subject themselves to death-by-needle

In March 2023, MIT Professor Retsef Levi disclosed a troubling figure produced by the Israeli Ministry of Health. This is unassailable proof the vaccines are killing people. Nobody noticed. doesn't have any benefits or harms for us insomniacs lol
JP sums up the 'Current Thing' quite nicely.
So much news and information and entertainment, one could immerse himself in the news stream, and never come out.
Seriously people, I could spend all day here, reading yours posts and watching your videos.
But, at some point, one just simply has to turn it all off, and go outside to breathe.
Time is our most valuable gift right now. Time, and family.
@timomalum without wanting to sound flippant, some of the people he named are like 'Alex Jones Light'. I agree with Icke 100%...what is missing with some current conservative media personalities is they seem to simply repeat a narrative, they don't do the deep dive. Use your best discretion, especially when it comes to supporting these folks financially
While we all hope AJ is wrong, it seems to me that war is indeed about to be engaged upon the US. The Predator Class Globalist Scumbag Mother WEFers need war to distract from imploding economies, but more importantly to distract from the deaths and disabilities and illness caused by their bioweapon injections.

Spread this exclusive report far and wide to warn as many people as you can! lol good grief. I'll pass.
@COSMOSUNIVERSE but yet they've increased/highlighted the risk of terror attacks in the USA. 'Mericans better find a solution to their corrupt governments, fast
@COSMOSUNIVERSE 'Merica is so very, very screwed