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Is monkeywerx still on this site?
I hope someone can help me. There was a guy on here who posted Q drops from when it all started. I tried to read the oldest to newest, but I lost the link. Can someone help me find that post? Thanks
Lin Woods' whistle-blower is James Clapper! Audio excerpts are being posted on Rumble
Trump is not dead. General Flynn is not dead. Pompeo is not dead. If these leaders think gathering in DC while the military are occupying it is a good plan...I believe they would let us know. That is not what they are saying.
Who shot those FBI agents. Why won't anyone report who it was? Why are they protecting a Pedophile killer???
Venezuelans pray to God and prayed the United States would help them. Now, who is going to step in and help the United States? ....
I love God and I believe in Him. So I say this with great reverence. Praying for God to come and stop this madness is good, but one should do it to help themselves and expect nothing more. For I have no doubt what so that the people of Venezuela are and have been for some time now also praying to God for help. The United States is the country that comes to the rescue. Who can possible rescue us?
Today is the last day I can stop my phone from updating. I hoped we would hear arrests were being made, good guys were winning, the EBS was going to go off, today is the day I give up that hope. Why were we lied to? Why tell us "We got 'em!" "They are all going down"'s all so sad. Today was my last day of hope. It was all a lie, "sigh"
Who controls the military right now? That's the only thing I want to know.
I guess these posts are informative to a degree, but I could care less about vaccines and pedophilia, and Game Stop until we can
To the post about all the buses and Van's at the Capitol: an educated guess would be for the troops that are going back home.
@LKNGRL @xpain You might be looking for Gary Niven
I am beyond fed up with the propaganda!! Everything being posted is crap! Someone find out if Biden is getting intel briefings. If he is, then that's it. That's all you need to know. It's over. If he isn't...there is a little window of hope. Everything else is false hope and noise.
So the new theory is wait till Biden shoots himself in the foot and the dems will turn on him, then the rightfully elected president can run for office again??? That's a theory I guess, but it makes more sense to release all the declass about corruption. voter fraud, pedophile, sex trafficking and satanic worship from the original plan. That will wake people up real fast. Any other plan seems lame
Can someone show any evidence that President Biden is receiving intel briefings? Please share
As much as I HATE fake news on MSM, I HATE fake news on Patriot sites even more!! Why do people insist on posting fake news? You are no different than them
Someone surely has uploaded that declass that was posted a few days ago George Global on Dropbox.... I just want the declass of George H W Bush. I have the 911 declass I will share in return if you want. All private. No making a buck on it. Just personal files