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HELP! The Department of Health in the State of Washington is having a meeting tomorrow, 1/7/2022 to "allow local heath officers to use law enforcement to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination." They are coming for us! Can't just up and move out of state. HELP!
Great song! I Will Not Comply!
Another Great Song
Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis “ God We Need You Now”
Published 2 months ago
@CactusFlower, I never heard of that group, but that gal has a pretty voice. Thank you for sharing this.
@Astral, I wonder if he has autism? Interesting to see him rocking back and forth. I wonder how much he is playing dumb when asked to clarify things when he was younger. Evil dude.
I agree with you about Inslee in WA state. We need help up here. Our beautiful state has become a wasteland. Both houses of government are run by dems. Taxes are skyrocketing. Gas is over $4.00 a gallon. And the republican party is nowhere in sight. 2 of our republican house members voted against Trump and need to be voted out of office--Herrera-Butler and Dan Newsome. Step up people. The time is now. has reported that Hillary was finally arrested. Is there any truth to this? One can only hope. I hope she enjoys tropical Cuba...hee hee ha ha!
Does anyone have the Lindell video titled "Absolute Proof?" It has been blocked on every site I have checked. Censorship at its best here. Mike, can you put it on your website?
While I love ya, Mike, I believe the info you are getting is BS. Poll numbers can be skewed. One poll can show Biden at 30% while another shows him at 60%. If the military uses the EBS and proves the election was stolen, Biden's numbers would plummet. Military personnel change jobs constantly. So if the white hats don't act NOW they will be replaced by black hat actors soon. Why should we descend into chaos just to appreciate our freedoms? And, most people can't just pick up and move.
@catdaddy2 i plan to do what Mike asked..i started a MeWe group (still lots of unsuscpecting sheeple there) called Life under Biden..hoping it won't get censored too quickly. I plan to saturate the readers with "life under Biden"....but move my can do...
To participate it says to sign up with Chris Miller. $100 compensation. Sounds ridiculous. First of all, why would Chris Miller do this? Is he even employed by the govt. now? Maybe it's a different guy named Chris Miller of DOD fame. Common name. The military plays "war games" often. Sounds like this is just practice (war games). However, one might want to stay out Vegas this week, just in case.
Also, I live in a blue west coast state. There are many of us out here who are not "blue" in spirit. But we have those damn voting machines and mail in ballots that keep us under their thumbs. We need to be rescued along with the country.
I appreciated your optimism in todays update. While the Biden regime is fake, it and he can do a lot of damage to our country that can't be undone. For example, gifting 20 million illegal people legal status, letting tens of thousands more into the country, tearing down the wall, letting in folks previously banned just to name a few. I hope that what is happening happens soon. We can't wait months or even years before his fake regime causes actions that can't be undone.
No court is going to hear a writ of quo warranto. The judges are either afraid of the democrats or follow the left ideology themselves. I think we have all been given loads of false hope since Nov. 3. We have been unknowingly played. That is why folks are so down and upset today. We all expected right to prevail over wrong, good over evil, justice over injustice. Sometimes it just doesn't work out the way it should. Evidently this is one of those times.
Some thoughts on government:
Isaiah 33:22 ...the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us. (How's that for the 3 branches of govt.?)
From Eddy: God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.
Have we all been played? Has this just been a psyop on conservatives for the past 3 months thinking justice would prevail? Are the military in DC there to protect our "lawmakers" from the people? In the face of a truly military threat have the generals lost their will and their nerve? I feel like I'm standing on the bank of the Red Sea looking up and asking God--what's next?
@catdaddy2 yep now we know what all those other people felt in the countries that all of the cia ops ran
Been praying with this, "Let Truth uncover and destroy error in God's own way, and let human justice pattern the divine." (Eddy)
There is a retired 4 star general named "Luck." But he is in his 80s.
So is Pelosi
Trump has said goodbye and thank you with his speech today. While he did not use the word "concede" that was what he did. I'm crying.
I thought Gina Haspel was in Gitmo? So much dis-information.
Well, looks like the deep state won. Need to stick with God more than ever.
Never lose faith. Pray for courage, faith and our country .
@catdaddy2 The fat lady has not sung yet ! Although I hear her warming up !
@catdaddy2@cluckhut also said our journey has just begun or words to that effect....I never give up.....even if the demon singes his claw on the Bible, it's not over, it's only a road bump