AZ Desert Dweller
Alternative Medicine Mama &
Bill of Rights Lover
Member since Jan 2021
Is the real #KlausSchwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided #Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? https://humansarefree.com/2021/03/klaus-schwab-was-henry-kissingers-pupil-and-the-son-of-a-nazi-collaborator.html #Schwab #GreatReset #Kissinger

Klaus Schwab Was Henry Kissinger's Pupil and the Son of a Nazi Collaborator Who Used Slave Labor and Aided Nazi Efforts to Obtain the First Atomic Bomb
Klaus Schwab Was Henry Kissinger's Pupil and the Son of a Nazi Collaborator Who Used Slave Labor and Aided Nazi Efforts to Obtain the First Atomic Bomb
Humans Are Free