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Mike talked about a fake world today. Remember the fainting nurse w the vaccine? Tiffany Pontes Dover. Ran a background check on her. Only 1 in entire US, lives in Alabama. She is also an actress and registered a onthe actor/TV/Film site IMBD. She is a nurse but it was filmed by a film studio in Tennesee. They scrubbed her photo on IMBD.
@HealthRanger @Toni Seems Mike spoke some utter nonsense today about needing to lose weight. WhoaI found THIS
. Since mostly women watch Mike I think w all your followers this is boost worthy. Maybe he can post more spandex shots.
. He did say he wants to keep things light and mocking news. Back at him.
Training for a FF. Saw this on Twitter, now deleted @HealthRanger .
Restore the Republic

Sidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor and current attorney of General Michael T. Flynn. A veteran of 500 federal appeals, she published "LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of…
www.sidneypowell.comPolitico is saying: The Pentagon blocked members of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration from gaining access to critical information about current operations, including the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, upcoming special operations missions in Africa and the Covid-19 vaccine distribution program...
Not sure if legit but someone commented this:
Just throwing it out there. Thoughts???

19 January 2021 James O. Grundvig On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, at 12 noon: Checkmate. The United States of America service corporation (“USA Inc.”), owned by the British Crown, will cease to exist.… please have mercy on those going through the grieving process. In recent days, you have had your own dark and depressing days. Many people go through the grieving process differently. Some stay at anger a little longer than they should, however it doesn’t mean they are lost to the cause, just grieving the loss of the false reality of our republic that most don’t understand has been lost for a long time. We should all understand if Jesus doesn’t fight for us we labor in vain. Amen.
@HealthRanger "The lashing out against well-meaning people only reveals the emotional immaturity of those doing the lashing. It shows that they were always weak and never really had the spine to hold the line in the first place. Sort of like Jeff Sessions or Mitch McConnell. The real patriots still fighting for America have no use for such weak-spirited individuals."
SORRY MIKE, WAY TOO HARSH. People are devastated. Don't turn on them the way they turned on others!! HUGE LOSS GIVE US TIME...
@HealthRanger Mike, the frustration comes from being told to stand down, do nothing, tune in, listen to you and the others and support them and buy products. With promises from the likes of Gen Flynn, Lin Wood and even yourself that all but guaranteed Trump 4 more years. We are allowed to be pissed and discouraged. You may have "contacts" but we dont. Now we are being told to stand down, do nothing, tune it....and buy products.
As you ask us for understanding you too need to have understanding
Hey Mike. I was thinking today that maybe sometime you could do a podcast on how to fly under the radar. Kind of like going "dark" if you will but not to such extreme. Maybe some topics such as less use of technology or certain tech formats. Using cash for purchases, places to live, and I imagine the list could go on and on. It's so sad that we have to start thinking this way now. I've just been crying on and off all day!
Thanks for that perspective. It’s true. His timing is always perfect and His ways are not our ways. But He knows the end from the beginning and is made strong in our weakness.
I may not understand much right now but I know that He works for the good of those who love Him.
God help us. Trump fed us to the wolves....but “the best is yet to come.”
Trump fed us to the wolves and did nothing about it. At least we can stop the illusion that the best is yet to come because if we weren’t able to do anything when we had a sitting president, we sure as hell won’t be able to do anything now. If there was a plan to get rid of Biden, we wouldn’t be waiting around like idiots. All that security, the podcast hypes, Q theories are all a joke... and the jokes on us. “Will you miss me” FB memes by the Trump team is simply disgusting.
What if the 65,000 troops, armored tanks, bombers, nuclear missels, radioactive detectors, barb wire fences, etc...are all for Lady Gaga’s performance? Can you imagine?
Amen!! Speak the Truth!
Pray for protection and discernment. Everyone will be pulling out all the stops. Fake recordings maybe? Staged Biden murder to target conservatives? Media is corrupt and there is push back from letting people videotape. Why with all that military protection and lack of people? Have a feeling things are going to get weirder before they get calmer. Be prepared for anything can mean a lot of things.
And the best is yet to come wouldn’t make sense if we were just going to roll over.
Father in Heaven, We thank you for providing your son Jesus a sacrifice for our sin when he shed his Blood on CalvarysCross that your graces, goodness & blessings can come to us who believe upon him. We thank you for raising him from the dead that we may walk in newness of life have victory over sin as we look to him in faith day by day step by step. We ask that you bless our nation our president our families. We ask for the victory over our enemies, We ask that you bless America, in Jesus Name!