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Mike I really love listening to u and follow u religiously but in regards to yesterday's Situation update and the Disaster that's supposed to be coming our way. I'm extremely disappointed that u found it funny. According to the person u interviewed its probably the end of the world for most of us and for u to make light of it was disappointing. I'm a huge supporter of u regardless. Take care and keep up the great work. Thnx
Has anyone heard of women lately having more than usual miscarriages and more debilitating periods? I just watched a video from Clif High and he said that the vaccinated people are shedding and its affecting the nom- vaccinated as well. Depopulation people. Not good
I posted yesterday about something I believe is very important to all of us Patriots and not one response. Something that in my 15 years since I've been awake I've never seen before none has ever talked about. It's called Project Pogo and project Zyphyr. I even emailed Mike as well about it. Again not one response. I've done my part to bring it to light. If true we are all in danger. Now I know Mike is super busy but I would love for him or his staff to take a quick look into it.
Ok Patriots. I tried posting a video last night but it disnt go through. So the Jist of it is a couple projects I've never heard of. Project Zyphyr and Project Pogo. The guys name is David Goldberg. Please look into it and let's talk about it. I think its important to talk about this as to whether or not its legitimate or disinfo. It definitely has my attention. If true we are all in the crosshairs
Does anyone know Mike's Protonmail address? I'd like to send him some info. I tried posting some videos last night but it didnt go through here–-SURVIVAL-GUIDE-Part-1#7
This is for all the Patriots. Mike especially for u. I have never heard u talk about this stuff before . Ur thoughts would be appreciated or any other patriot. This is real dark what they have planned for us. I'm not sure what to think that's why I'm posting here to get feedback. I wouldnt post it if I didnt think it was very important.

Has anyone heard from General Flynn? I havent read or heard from him in quite a while. Last thing I saw from him was his interview with Alex Jones like 2 weeks ago at least
Watch Clif High, starting at the 30 minute mark in this video. Very insightful information:

Ok folks, get ready for this one! Many of you might not know Clif High, but I think you’re going to find him tremendously fascinating like I do. I’ve been following his reports for several years and they…
We Love TrumpHey everyone. It's not over yet. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with Cliff High but he is a genius. Listen to a youtube video he was just on. Skip to the 30 minute mark. Believe me it will be worth it. I promise.
There is GOOD news tonight. Lots of good news. From what I'm being told, we can rest easy (or relatively so) about what's coming. It isn't the end of the republic. More details soon... Gosh, it really is an emotional rollercoaster...
Mike I know u wont respond but I am baffled how u and Scott McKay can be polar opposites with ur assessments on the state of our country.
How do I find Mike's interview with Alex?
@HealthRanger Lord have mercy! Could you possibly make your report anymore depressing? I know you mean well, but you don’t really know how this will play out! I get it! People need to be prepared for any eventuality and it’s good to advise to be prepared if things go south, but you seem much more negative than positive!
If you’re that concerned about people being duped, why don’t you tell us who these people are that are fooling us?
@HealthRanger You forgot to tell us who these assholes are that we have been watching that are CIA agents. Would be nice to know who not to trust brother.
@HealthRanger mike I just saw a video from a utube I follow called Jsnip4. He called u out bigtime. Here u go.
Patriots, has anyone here ever heard of Brendan Oconnell? I'm not sure if he is legit or not but he really has some interesting things to say about all of our patriot leaders. I'm not sure if he has an agenda or not. I'd like to gather some thoughts or even start a conversation about him. He comes at our truth movement from a very different angle. Thnx
This is what happens when you take the covid-19 vaccine. SHOCKING:
Compilation of recent stories and videos covering covid vaccine injuries, side effects and DEATHS

Part of the reason Big Tech censors anyone who discusses the truth about vaccine injuries is because they don't want you to find out how dangerous covid vaccines really are. Across the USA and around…