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Key Systems & Telecommunications Tech., R.I. State Sponsored Tech School...
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@Samirby You Bet Ya !!!
@Samirby The Rocks were like that on Martha's Vineyard...
@Samirby You Are.... All Others Are... I Am... WE ARE !
@Samirby 4'th Spiritual Density, and 5D Perception... Extropic Function of Multiverse May have been excised from all Academia for 120 years, but Mathematics Sates it as Mandatory... A Mind Body Spirit Psionic Complex with Full Functional Connectivity Can Not Imagine Existence with It :-)
@Shawna_lynns I Am Banned from Facebook and the 500+ International Acquaintances who were trying to learn about these things... Linked-In Simultaneously Shadow Banned my Ability to Log In.... There I was Discussing these issues with Numerous Doctorate Level Scientists and Engineers. In the Future and Now we are in absolute need of 100% Accountability, Transparency, and so many other area's in direct accord with All The Founding Documents of Our Sovereign Nation... This Must Extend though Every Knowledge Base Possessed by Human Beings Planet Wide, to Include Any Break away Portions located Inner-World, or Off World... Open Source Everything... Transparency And The Imminent Light Of Day Disintegrates These Negative Entities Parading in Hubris and Nihilism as Human Authorities...
@Shawna_lynns Shawna, Our Family also refuses to Self Euthanize... Violations of the Geneva Accords, such as these are Mandatory Military Tribunal, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. They are Capital Crimes on Multiple Counts... Mandatory Capital Punishment. Only in the most sever cases of Coercion can Life Sentences without Parole be granted...
@RaptureChurch @timomalum I Witnessed first hand that Westinghouse Inc. finished Fully Working and Deployable Fusion Reactors... and so much more... The Reich Paperclip Agents were furious about it and came in and disassembled the Nuclear Programs. The Technology was Pirated over to Switzerland and is Kept under different Corporate names and miss-titled as well for disguise...
@RaptureChurch @timomalum Hopefully now it is well established that Russia has been battling the Human Trafficking and Illegal Biological Weapons Production Center of the World... The Ukraine... Putin went in because of two issues... 1. Thousands of Missing Russian Children along the Border, and 2. Clear Satellite Footage of Biological Weaponry Labs constructed by every major US Big Pharma Co. The tens of thousands of Children rescued from Cages and adreinachrome Harvesting Labs Steeled Putin's Resolve... A Rothschild & Rockefeller Khazarian Operation to Set up their New World Center of Operations.... Durring WW2 without Russia on the Eastern Front We likely would have lost Europe and then America. As it was we were still invaded by Paperclip Agents of the Reich... I am a living witness to the Paperclip Agents Controlling American Tech...
@holistic Awesome Layout of scene and color usage is terrific as well ! The Moonlight conveys it's essence !!!!
@holistic Thank you for exposing this, and possibly was the equipment intentionally placed for deep state Khazarian use against Lawful protesters ???
@holistic In Addition to this Large Effect Area Orgonite Cloud Busters Reworked with the Pipes Pointing Outwards in radial Spherical fashion, instead of all straight Up... Centered in a Homes epicenter it should visibly eradicate dissonant EMF... Properly Prepared and applied by direct contact to radioactive materials, Orgonite will upon Contact Eliminate the Radioactivity of even very dense Hard Crystalline Coagulates such as actual radioactive Granite... I have personally witnessed this... Others please repeat and verify success or failure.
@Shawna_lynns Exactly !!! Why is No One Proclaiming The Retaking The Entirety of Mother Earth In the Name of The One Infinite Creator. No Consent to Lucifer, Baphomet or any other Entropy Based Negative and Degenerating Being was Ever Given and No Agreement was Ever Knowingly Given By The Earth Herself as Well. I directly Perceive that the Earth Follows the Path of Extropic Agape and Absolutely Gives no part of Herself What So Ever to any Negative Being.
@Shawna_lynns The Front Pic for the Biden Admin Global Reset Currency... The Back will say Covid Cured by Vax & only 7.25 Billion Lost...
@Shawna_lynns Thank you for taking a Stand against The Global Pedophile Human Trafficking Cabal... Soros, Rothschild's Rockefeller etc... It would be very timely for the U.S.N. JAG Core to announce the executions of the entire Clinton Family, the Bush Family... Especially Gates and Faucci... Those two are paraded via so much CGI and Rubermasking that the MSM has no time for anything but ;-P
@macmcdonald It was a Rubber Mask on the US C-32... CHINA was Going to Shoot her down too, and it was intended as a Biden Excuse to Start WW3... They are getting tricky, because they have no Launch Codes...
@macmcdonald Hey Mac, Your a Military Aviation pro, do you fly at all these days ???
Faucci Was Executed over one Month from Today. All Appearances are C.G.I., Pre-Recorded Teleprompter sessions or Rubber Mask look alikes...
@macmcdonald Facci was Stripped of his Dr.'s and Executed on the Gallows over a month ago now. All Images are Avatars and CGI... Faucci Prerecorded several years of Fake Covid Strain Videos before his capture by Special forces in April... He was Executed after Trial and being found guilty of Treason and Human Trafficking, Pedophile Sex Crimes, and a Host of Geneva Accord Capital Violations...