I’m a California girl in location only (my heart & beliefs are not welcomed by most here). I’m blessed to be a wife (to a God fearing, honorable, sexy therapist) and mom of four amazing kiddos (one of whom I have to wait for heaven to see again). I pray God will be glorified in and through me!
After living in California for 40 years (my whole life) my hubby got an email an hour ago that could cause us to pick up & move our little family quickly! The email read that as a licensed therapist in this here Golden state, he’ll need to join the phase 3 trial for the highly dangerous gene therapy treatment by September! NO THANKS...God please direct our path!
@Ashortstory What the heck!! Time to move for sure.
@Ashortstory I’m sorry. What a terrible situation. Stay strong, and have faith. Everything will work out.
It will be a wonderful change!