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Oh boy…golly…gee whiz, inflating the support for a poor candidate by bussing in so called $upporters. Hmmm, you to can be paid (via PayPal) for your $upport of Herr Kamala, just reach out to the white house and leave a message…someone will definitely get back to you!

Kamala Harris arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday for a campaign rally at the Bojangles Coliseum.
The Gateway PunditU.S. Army issues threat advisory warning about migrant gangs terrorizing American cities –

An armed prison gang from Venezuela known as Tren de Aragua (TdA) is spreading across America as the U.S. Army warns the Department of Defense (DOD) about escalating violence. In a threat advisory, the…
naturalnews.comWhat?!? I’m shocked…🫢

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has quietly revealed that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” was a “test” hatched by the globalists to see how compliant and obedient the public is to globalist…
www.naturalnews.comHmmm, more evidence for what you already know to be true!

Christian Cooper, a Special Assistant on Immigration Litigation U.S.
The Gateway PunditInteresting couple that lives the RV life full time…. Lots of interesting things to say…current events, recommendations for the current environment we live in and suggestions for being well prepared…

Hi, we’re the RV Odd Couple! We sold our house and most of our possessions to hit the road and start living in an RV full-time with our toddler & dog. We documented the process to transition into full-time… silver 1oz mini mintage from Chris Duane/Silver Shield available at Golden State Mint…fantastic design! Cackle cackle hyena harris!
Here is an article from Paul Craig Roberts….
The financial issues we are seeing is merely the tip of the iceberg… Mike Adams, Paul Craig Roberts and several others have been warning about the financial apocalypse that is coming for quite some time now…

It has yet to be fully unveiled, but the United States has been robbed blind by the powers that be, which have underwritten Americans’ financial assets as collateral for the coming pop of the derivative… Know that you are watching a deep state hit job on alternative, independent media, and they are doing to Alex what they just did to #Trump. If they are not stopped at the ballot box, they will do it to all of us, and this Republic is finished. Even all of you reading this from the political Left should be outraged at this takedown detonation of an independent media giant, for if this precedent is set, ALL independent voices -- left, right or center -- could be targeted and threatened with similar actions if they dare to question whatever regime is currently in power. These are extremely dangerous times for our republic. With this precedent in place, if Trump wins the election, then any left-wing publisher that, for example, sides with Palestine instead of Israel, could be surveilled, investigated, raided and prosecuted by Trump's FBI and DOJ, and they would cite the InfoWars case as the precedent. Be careful what monsters you unleash against your political opponents, for those monsters grow in strength and hunger, and soon they need more fresh meat to feed themselves. That's when they come looking for YOU!
UPDATE: Just completed an interview with @RealAlexJones and he is, at present, located in the #InfoWars studios, about to initiate an emergency broadcast featuring Ted Nugent and others, and I'll be joining in as well, starting around 5 pm central today. From my current understanding, Alex is saying that the court-appointed receivership executive, far from helping InfoWars stay viable so that it could generate revenues to make payments to Sandy Hook families, is actually engaging in a kind of "controlled financial demolition" inside the InfoWars operation, to try to collapse its revenues and operations, which means the Sandy Hook families with get nothing. In my view, it seems to me that the actions of the court (in destroying InfoWars) are contradictory to the publicly stated goals of the court (to keep InfoWars viable so that its bankruptcy obligations may be met over time). More and more, this looks like a brazen takedown hit job on Alex and InfoWars, disguised to look like a legitimate legal process. Alex is very much frazzled by all the threats and sabotage, and he is mentally exhausted from this weekend's events, so tune in at Infowars dot com to hear his official broadcast today, where he will likely explain more. (1/2)
Harry's Razors:
When did “Fathers Day” become so offensive?! You have to send an email asking if someone wants to opt out of receiving Fathers Day emails, but no option to opt out when it comes to “other things”…. Maybe I’m not interested in LGBTQ razor kits…no offense to anyone, just want to opt out of that for me personally…
That would not be allowed as it does not support some agenda…
Good day, Sir, hope you are well…
When you try to click on The Health Ranger Report link on Brighteon to go to your videos it is still broken and creates a “404” error.
Have a great day! Be well and be blessed!