Truth seeker. Liberty lover. Encourager of goodness. Preserver of The Constitution. Relentless pursuer of happiness.
Member since Oct 2020
Decades of rallying around the republican nominee, and now McConnell shows himself sick and shameful and unworthy. Mitch disgust is deserved and rampant. https://thelibertydaily.com/rino-leader-mcconnell-disses-america-first-candidates-so-donald-trump-lights-him-and-his-wife/

RINO Leader McConnell Disses America First Candidates so Donald Trump Lights Him Up . . . and His Wife ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
RINO Supreme Leader Mitch McConnell expressed a lack of faith in the GOP taking back control of the Senate. His reasoning is as ugly as it gets: He isn’t getting as many America-hating candidates nominated…
🔔 The Liberty Daily