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HEALTH RANGER, We LOVE Dane Wiggington BUT PLEASE CALL HIM AND TELL him that HEMP GROWS IN ALMOST ALL CLIMATES = FIND THE BIRDS HEMP SEEDS, DANE PLEASE Everyone put hemp seeds in our bird feeders and they will plant against CLIMATE DESTRUCTION = let MOTHER NATURE help solve this issue with BIRD PLANTING OF SEEDS EVERYWHERE
Also, please tell Dane to support "Chemical free" gardening = we can solve this BY planting MANY SEEDS, DANE with help from the birds
Health Ranger, YO, if you and Ed Dowd do NOT stop with the "smoking dope" and "cannabis is like opium" infantile comments you BOTH are going to lose many folks' attention BECAUSE We the Patients are the ones supporting "chemical free" NATURAL FARMING and FOOD AUTONOMY LOCALLY Purportedly about 70% of the USA population recognize that WHEN CAREFULLY TITRATED botanical medicines inclusive of medicinal THC cannabis and medicinal CBDs and medicinal CBGs can PROTECT OUR TERRAIN by attracting beneficial microbes to our gut microbiomes and brains
Most people see through and past the lazy pot people comments
This a BRAVE, THOUGHTFUL patient who titrates medicinal THC, THCV, THCA for Autism We the Patients are COMPLETELY SICK OF you and Ed making degrading comments about cannabis people PLEASE STOP NOW or the boycott will start

Health Ranger & Michael Yon, THANK YOU 4 your wonderful work BUT if you BOTH do NOT learn how to grow without synthetics then you will die
But, We grow with MICROBES (SYNTHETICS kill the microbes; the microbes are God = WHY don't you both understand this) which have grown plants 4 Millennia; AS A RESULT, we do NOT need synthetics to grow and the idea that we synthetics 2 grow is PURE FALLACY bec. HOW does an Old Growth forest LIVE without synthetics
If you BOTH are truly WORRIED ABOUT GLOBAL FAMINE plz stop ringing the DOOMSDAY bell repeatedly and BE REAL MEN AND PLANT PATRIOTIC HEMP please
Here is WHAT is in my "chemical free" "live" beds: bagged soil, 2 row malted barley, hemp hurd, organic lentils, bokashi, worm castings and VAM = no chemicals, BOYS Plz stop caterwauling & learn natural farming ;-)
Chris knows urine We can dilute our urine to feed to our cannabis/hemp plants to make PATIENT SPECIFIC MEDICINE
Chris knows urine
Maybe he also knows about composting our fecal matter to feed to our cannabis/hemp plants BECAUSE URINE AND POOP are microbial information that informs the cannabis/hemp HOW/WHAT medicine to make
Chris knows urine
Great to hear
Health Ranger IF U want 2 teach then part of teaching is learning plz
Ur new nickname wiii be the Synthetic Ranger if U make statements like U did on the podcast that "opioids work"; for those of us with personal experience we know this isn't true bec. opioids only mask You also state that cannabis is an intoxicant
You cannot have "Health" in front of your name if you don't know that cannabis is an EXISTENTIAL MEDICINE :-( If you aren't willing to learn how can you teach authentically
Yo, Health Ranger, plz try telling these wonderful people that they need synthetic SALTS or they will die They won't be listening
Plz keep your promise and "evolve" on this one because it brings us back to the Bible and the Constitution and our right to grow food and not be dependent on global food sources

Urban agriculture non-profit program changing the cycle of food in Orlando, FL
Fleet Farming@BotanicalWellnesw
If Mike Adams could stop the chemtrails poisoning our land 24/7 he would.
It's time for us to get a reality check on the condition of our nation & the world; the genocide plan goes far beyond the VAX.
I'm from a career Marine family & worked for corporations (eyes wide open)- began researching history 30+ yrs ago. The playbook is being repeated: it happened in Holocaust Germany . "They" will even not LET US live on our homes, yet alone have our own gardens in the future.
Have left you a couple of posts, because I lived in rural NW Iowa
I agree w/ your concerns, however our nation has been taken over. Many farms in Iowa are now owned by China. The farmers I knew in Iowa/ Nebraska will tell you they only work 2-3 months a year and live off of their million dollars in farm subsidies Believe me - they do whatever the govt tells them to do on ALL of their seeds & crops. They will not give up their lifestyles as a result. They live like kings.
Health Ranger, you've done a great job to create this wonderful platform BUT if you don't use it to teach "Chemical free" "live soil" farming then when things get bad you'll be on your ranch maybe growing food in your basement & the rest of us who don't have ranches will not have options There needs to be less political name calling & fear mongering & MORE TEACHING on this platform or then how can it be called "Bright" Eon :-( It is God's work to grow food WITHOUT CHEMICALS LIKE JESUS did :-)
The situation now is a output of BAD TEACHING :-( Drove thru MS & many farm fields there r fallow w/NO COVER CROP = compaction of the soil We can't be great country if farmers do not know how 2 farm WITHOUT CHEMICALS like EVERYONE did in 1900's
Instead of fear mongering especially bec. you'll be fine on ur ranch, plz interview "live soil" people: Chris Trump, Gabe Brown, John Kempf, & Dr. Elaine Ingham; then you don't have 2 predict famine & your ranch can help against famine plz
Health Ranger, it might b time 2 do a bit less podcasting & a bit more Patriotic learning 2 help folks BEC. this is in ur state of TX = PLZ NO MORE excuses 2 predict famine WHEN the learning is available NOW & you've got a ranch
Health Ranger, maybe a less flapping of the gums & a bit more learning about microbes replacing synthetic fertilizers plz
Health Ranger, it might be time 2 start 2 focus on Crispr Cas 9 and HOW this changes the world and HOW the Deep State realizes that this threatens their hegemony
In addition, at the medicinal level, botanical medicines inclusive of cannabis will reveal the relative & complete inefficacious status of synthetic medications & their deleterious side effects & as a result botanical medicines will replace synthetic medictions
These two items might be explored more as CAUSES for the GREAT REST
Health Ranger perhaps the REASON 4 the GREAT RESET should be explored & discussed: namely & perhaps that the GREAT RESET is about Crispr Cas 9 & with its advent the ability of people 2 make deadly bioweapons 4 PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR = the Deep State needs 2 subsume all human FREE WILL and FREE CHOICE OR the enemies of the Deep State will be able to attack with Crispr Cas 9 bioweapons and perhaps THIS IS THE REASON for wanting to "tag" and control ALL HUMANS so that NO RESISTANCE can ever occur