WW3 MILITARY DRAFT - Globalists Plot STAGED WAR - Martial Law & Rations To Come! - WORLD ALTERNATIVE MEDIA
@Brighteon The globalists, like Josh said in this video, are utilizing the politicians to drive their agenda. They’re ALL in this together. This isn’t one side against the other; they’re creating this situation as a cover to establish the Great Reset. Despite all of that… so many people have and will die because of this… because that’s what they want. Depopulation. They’re creating several ways to do this so they can kill as many people as possible. Jabs, war, famine, blackouts and high gas bills to freeze people to death, crime, etc.
@BrighteonI agree with Josh. Even if I were younger I would never fight for the NWO who wants me to own nothing & eat bugs! Good luck with the draft Biden. He kicked out most of the best of the military who refused the death shot. Now he wants a draft?! Only in the mind of dementia….