Christian Anglo Israelite. Word Studies. Presentations. Slideshows. History.
Exposing 'church' doctrine and Mystery Babylon.
Greetings my Israelite kith and kin.
Most people have no clue, nor can believe that America is in the Bible. America is most definitely found in prophecy.
America is the Kingdom spoken of in Daniel 2:44 that Yahweh would set up in the days of the kings, and even though Mystery Babylon is the SYSTEM that controls the whole world, America will never be destroyed. Why would God destroy ZION?
Here in Mystery Babylon shall we be delivered (Mic 4:10). America had its roots in Christianity. America was founded upon and dedicated to Jesus Christ and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. Yes, America is HimmelReich=The Kingdom of Heaven.
Is America still a Christian nation today?
Did God bless America between 1943-1962? Let's find out.
Audio: Part 6 https://archive.org/download/god-blessed-america-part-10/GOD%20BLESSED%20AMERICA%20Part%206.mp3
Follow along: https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/god-blessed-america/
2Ch 7:14 If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
America in Prophecy: https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/america-in-prophecy-2/
Sheldon Emry – Scroll to 1985 and see 'America's Roots' for PROOF America was founded upon and dedicated to JESUS CHRIST. https://israelect.com/reference/SheldonEmry/sermons/#1985