Am here with the rest of you looking for truth, resisting tyranny, praying for our Country and sharing information.
So here's the sad and sorry state of affairs here in Canada on "long Covid." Well, I guess we can at least be thankful that they ACKNOWLEDGE it as real! But reading through people's stories, they are all getting the shots and boosters still, despite being super ill, and also only doing conventiional drugs and therapies vs. all the alternative things out there. All these disabled people are going to be putting a big toll on society. I can only hope that someone will direct them to Dr. Ardis, Dr. Buttar, etc.

Based on data from Statistics Canada, about 1.4 million Canadian adults say they had symptoms of COVID-19 at least three months after their infection. CTVNews.ca heard from dozens of Canadians about their…
www.ctvnews.ca@heartnsoulr1 Yes, at least they are talking about it...but how many were jabbed to begin with? This is what needs to be cleared up.