Am here with the rest of you looking for truth, resisting tyranny, praying for our Country and sharing information.
Member since Sep 2020
More info coming out about contaminated "medicine." For how long has this really been going on?
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: Just like Pfizer’s covid injection, quantum dots in long-acting insulin are assembling “rubbery blood clots” made of hydrogel
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has been analysing long-acting insulin and what she has found is shocking. One of her patients recently suffered from congestive heart failure and now he is wondering i…
The Expose@Buteo It's all so horrifying and sad. We all must have some of these substances in us because virtually everyone has taken some sort of medical drug or shot while alive. So now all these "life saving" devices are going to be the very things that kill us.