Censorship Election Fraud Tech Giants Oppression FAKE NEWS propaganda Criminals Infiltrators Manipulation Deep State Politicians
Campaign Freedom
Timeline links @
(refresh/F5/reload website for latest updates)
-Rockefeller predicts future pandemic in 2010.
-Hate Rather than Facts.
-General Flynn: Ukraine is Corrupt.
-Laughs at Their Expense.
-RINO McCarthy's support for speaker a 'mile wide and an inch deep'.
-Republicans Have Voted To Hand America’s Sovereignty Away.
-Nunes: Twitter Files Reveal 'Unprecedented Abuse' by Intel AgenciesPlay Video.
-America Is At WAR.
-Blockbuster Interview.
-Fraud, Illegal Advertising, Mass Negligent Homicide.
-PCR Tests.
-New Film released by the Elites.
-Authorized the Ruination of Millions of Women's Bodies.
-Kari Lake is telling it like it is.