Will always be a writer and teacher at heart. I've worked as a communications director, school administrator, teacher, writer, and in construction. "It seemed fitting for me, after carefully investigating everything from the beginning, to write for you an orderly account." (Luke 1:3) "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." (attributed to Abraham Lincoln) https://dwilsonnotes.com/
HISTORY - On May 5, 1787 James Madison arrived in Philadelphia prepared for what would be known as the Constitutional Convention. His work earned him the right to be remembered in history as the Father of the Constitution. His intention, along with those of the other delegates, was that the United States have a strong but limited government. He later wrote in the Federalist Papers that having all the power in the hands of one faction "may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
@DiamondTNT @DWilsonNotes good to remind us the only powers DELEGATED to the Feds were:
Taxation violations
felony Crimes at high seas
Everything else? Unlawful usurption