In the ARK Until...
Temp retired Naturopathic Doctor and Pastor.
Unlike American schools , my training is all from Ecuador, Germany, and Israel, so my approach is significantly different. I enjoy seeing YAHUSHUA do the work. I LOVED MY JOB and it felt so good to see people healed by the blood of our messiah YAHUSHUA.
I have been a follower of Mike Adams for many years. Thanks for all the important training. Lastly , I am also a FARMER with a u pick blueberry field :)
Today I harvested ORGANIC TURMERIC rhizomes from the truck tire I used to plant them in. I have my herbs etc. in truck tires as it makes weed eating more easy!
This picture is only HALF of my yield as I left half for next year.
Washed and now to dry in this last dose of 70 degrees for 3-4 days then to STORE in a bucket of sand to keep them fresh for a year!
I started from one piece of organic turmeric.