% Female
Saved by grace
America First
Truth Teller, Tactically trained firearms competitor.
@HealthRanger Mike - PLEASE investigate this!

“The Unvaccinated Won't Be Unvaccinated for Long With mRNA in the Food Supply "We've confirmed: this mRNA stuff is in the food supply," reported attorney @RenzTom. It turns out that Merck has been injecting…
twitter.com@Dutchhorse1 mRNA injected into pigs since 2018. What else has been injected? Transmissible mRNA has already been proven. So much for being pureblooded.
@Dutchhorse1 @HealthRanger @Independent, Ham just doesn't taste like it used to; am glad now, we stopped bringing it home. Now, after all the news about mRNA injected into the food supply, I'm suspicious of poultry, like prepackaged deli slices for sandwiches and wraps.