43 years in the domestic oil and gas industry, now working in risk management.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 11, 2023 - Bioweapons whistleblower Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA for ASSASSINATION
- Karen Kingston says she's being hunted by the CIA after speaking out about vaccine bioweapons
- We are urging Karen to get out of Mexico because it's too dangerous there
- It's much safer to go off grid into safe house environments in the USA
- The DoD and CIA are not legally allowed to operate inside the USA, but they DO operate in Mexico
- Remember, #COVID started as a DoD bioweapon that was later ENHANCED in Wuhan, China
- Food sabotage continues worldwide as grain elevators in France are set on fire
- Global #famine is the goal, along with global #depopulation via #bioweapons
- Full Interview with Dick Russell, author of several books on the #JFK assassination
- America has been "captured" by the #deepstate ever since
@HealthRanger You are about as naive as you can be about your safety and Karen's safety, and you clearly don't have a clue that you can be killed using cell phone towers. See this photo, its 4 axis deer killed the same day. I had the buck necropsied at A&M. They could not tell how he died, including the 3 Top veterinarians, which is what I predicted in advance. No trauma, no bullet or arrow holes, no marks at all , not by poison nor pathogen. This is how they can kill you and the autopsy won't tell the tale. How's that happen Mike, 4 dead deer inside a circle with a circumference of less than 15' at the same time?