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@TwistedEagle time to LYNCH the fomenting gaslighters of this Marxist ploy.
@Independent @Lionheart 5.56
@TwistedEagle hang this cackling shit-bag
@TwistedEagle @Breaking911 —what the living HELL? From the faggoty mask to the stone-cold stoogified cluelessness. This Dementioid needs to be put down.
@TwistedEagle —line these “stand down” commie shit-bags up against the wall.
Who ties this drooling dip-wad’s shoes?!?

Connect with JD Rucker and other members of Freedom First Network community He is an insult that we let his handlers steal the election
@HealthRanger @HealthRanger “prayers” for what?? Rush’s eternal fate was irrevocably sealed at the moment of his last exhalation. He is in record as professing The Lord Jesus Christ as his personal saviour. Your statement sounds like heretical Catholic jibberish.
@Fitpro58 @HealthRanger that was harsh and unnecessary. You can have prayers for him and those that loved him like his wife and brother. This is the type of asshat reaction that is Pharasitical at best and worthy of a slap in the face.
@HealthRanger ohh another doctrinal dumbass. Go play in traffic soy-boy. If you want to eat at the grown-up’s table, learn to spell PHARISAICAL. And does a REAL man threaten to “slap” another man?
Evil demon blamed everyone but herself!
@HealthRanger hang this treasonist skankbag—stuff her head on a pike, and her hide on a fence post.
@HealthRanger and still lost