Psychotherapist, orthodox rabbi, father & husband. Helping people with psychology innovatively.
Patriotism is essential. From Seattle, stuck in Baltimore.
Member since Oct 2020
A new study shows how sexual restraint leads to flourishing societies. Understand why Jael's achievement demonstrates this, and why she and her people are mentioned in The Book of Judges. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0TVWSxvwKtItzYuRrCZXgI?si=zVyJIjgnQdO2gg4AUo92rg&dl_branch=1

Book of Judges Ch. 4 & 5 Part 2 Jael: Sexual Morality and Women's Power
Listen to this episode from Downstream from Religion on Spotify. A new study shows how sexual restraint leads to flourishing societies. Understand why Jael's achievement demonstrates this, and why she…