Born and raised in Louisiana, mostly the Deep South. A registered nurse for decades. Presently living in NE Texas in the middle of nowhere which I love most of the time. Interested in almost everything and everyone. Absolutely love animals.
I’ve actually been a member since 2018, I just changed my name which reset my timeline.
Member since Dec 2020
I Want My Bailout Money!
I wrote this song in 2008. Listen to the lyrics and you'll be astonishing how it has all come true in 2022. This money printing / bailout scam has been going on for a LONG time!
I Want My Bailout Money by Michael Adams the Health Rangerwww.brighteon.com
@HealthRanger I want a short version for my ring tone!! Come on Mike, that’s too good not to share with the world, at least the world without blinders.