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This comedian named Tim Hawkins did this song titled "The Government Can" it's funny as hell because it's so true.
Tom MacDonald "Snowflakes"
Also this artist named Dax did a kick-ass remix of rich men north of Richmond.
Came across this on YouTube. Listen very carefully to what is being said in this rap song. Tom MacDonald "brainwashed"
This is a short but interesting video. In the video it states that Iodine is just as important nutrient for plants as it is in humans. I hope Mike HH Adams watches it. sorry but it is a youtube link.
Also I personally believe that if the American bar association does not look at what transpired before and during the monetary damages trial against Alex Jones then they themselves run the risk of having their credibility severely damaged for not making a stand for when it counted the most. Especially considering that Robert Barnes and others have pointed how the let herself be persuaded into taking the side of the plaintiff's attorneys when she should not have on the grounds of maintaining a unbiased position.
And in regards to my last few posts to coin a phrase from the movie national treasure those who have the ability to do something also have the responsibility to something. So Viva attorney Barnes and others to whom you associate with. you all have a responsibility to stand against this type of default ruling otherwise you yourselves may be facing it in your own cases in the future. And as I have previously stated before a default ruling that was issued against Alex Jones should not and cannot be allowed to continue to stand unchallenged because the stakes of such a thing. the cost will end up being far more than what anyone ever expects.
Also in regards to this default judgment liability against Alex Jones during that Sandy Hook case if any attorney agrees with Robert Barnes or others on the subject. They all said band together and challenge this judges the fault decision for multiple reasons. And one of the biggest reasons that I can think of is that this is going to affect the integrity of the entire legal system to the point where it's actually going to destroy it and turn it into nothing more than a joke. Plus if this default judgment against Alex Jones is allowed to continue to stand then it's going to embolden other judges to follow suit. And there goes anyone's chances of actually having a fair and unbiased jury trial right out the door.
This is solely for attorney Robert Barnes. Attorney Barnes despite your public agreement says that you've made both on mainstream media and other outlets. If you feel that strongly about what has happened to Alex Jones then maybe you and others who feel that way should in fact challenge the fault judgment of liability on behalf of Alex Jones pro bono. And maybe even submit complaints and grievances to the bar association both against the judge and the plaintiff's attorneys citing everything that they violated as far as procedures and the rules of evidence and everything that you stated that they violated. The reason why I say do this pro bono is because it absolves you from any accusations for monetary gain. I asked this of you because what's at stake goes without saying. Because if this default judgment is allowed to stand thus far it can now be used against you and anybody else.
If anyone agrees with the fact that during Discovery process in the Alex Jones Sandy Hook case. That the default judgment made by Judge Barbara Bellis was a complete and total abuse of her authority as a judge. Because she understood that the plaintiff's attorneys didn't have the evidence to support their claim that Alex Jones was liable in every shape way and form. And that no matter what he gave them that she was always going to give a default judgment against him no matter what. If anyone who reads us feels the way that I do then we all should write to the judge and to the planet's attorneys knowing telling them that they didn't have the evidence to support their claims of liability nor do they have they evidence to support their claims of financial damages. Everyone should write letters emails to the judge the plaintiff's attorneys and the bar association on this subject.
Also in my opinion everyone should write to the bar association demanding that the judge and the plaintiff's attorneys conduct during the Sandy Hook trial was unethical and immoral and that they should be disbarred forever. Because of the violations in regards to the rule of evidence and everything else that prevented Alex Jones from having a fair trial
Also if anyone agrees with me need to make posts like I just made. then they should follow suit in other social media outlets as well besides in regards to encouraging Alex Jones and others for going scorched Earth on the pedophilia against those people who don't want any of them talking about it.
In fact it's not only should just Alex Jones go scorched Earth on the pedophilia but also Steve Bannon and everybody else should also do the same. hit those buggers where it's going to hit them hardest on the pedophilia. In fact veterans for child rescue should supply Alex Jones and other individuals with information of that subject matter as long as it doesn't taint any kind of legal case.
Again Alex Jones should go scorched Earth and all the people who have been attacking him from and behind the scenes with every bit of pedophilia information that he has on those people in fact he should just go completely scorched Earth all together no holds barred no turning back, kamikaze style because eventually there after they take him for all his money they're eventually going to come and extinguish his life
This message needs to be seen by Mike Adams The Health Ranger. This is a suggestion for Alex Jones and others maybe it's time that Alex Jones should go scorched-earth on these people who are attacking him. By going after the one thing that they don't want to be known publicly and that's the pedophilia. And also a class action lawsuit of people like Alex Jones who's been affected by all this against the corporate news media.
In regards to the billion dollar lawsuit that was filed by attorney Thomas Rentz against Peter dasic, ecohealth alliance his wife and another doctor as the defendants in the state of New York. What happens when the evidence gets presented and it shows that it goes far beyond negligence or gross negligence and shows that it was completely intentional? Can anyone answer that question?
Whether you like or dislike Alex Jones it doesn't matter. What is being done to him is going against EVERY FOUNDING PRINCIPAL OF THE USA. So with that said. Every person especially those in the legal system should be writing letters emailing and maybe even personally calling the judge and the prosecuting attorneys in the Alex Jones Sandy Hook case telling them that what they are doing is destroying the faith and confidence the public has in the legal system. That is the very least most people can do. Because the people don't start stepping up to the plate we're all going to face the same fate.
There is a YouTube channel called Mary Greeley News. She puts out reports on recorded Earthquakes in and around The Yellowstone volcano. In her latest video she says two of her friends have pictures of sizeable sulfur deposits and heavy sulfur emissions coming out from the geysers located in the park. As well as black deposits around the geysers vents themselves. If any of that is true THEN we all have a huge problem on our hands.
There are reports of heavy sulfur emissions and deposits being found a Yellowstone Park. Plus earthquakes there have been 2.0 or more regularly. Someone please forward this information to Mike Adams and or Alex Jones at Infowars.