Mechanic / Engineer / Welder / CNC operator / Business Owner/operator
So since our skin is our largest organ, what men's bodywash is the healthiest that I can buy uptown.
@Jeffthetech You can make body wash from shampoo--just use a squeeze bottle, pour in mostly water then put in some shampoo, mix; there's also the old-standby Ivory soap which is gender-neutral. If you want a manly scent, put in a drop or two of your favorite cologne (a little goes a long way) & mix. HTH.
@Jeffthetech Best to avoid over-the-counter products if possible. Most of those contain sodium lauryl sulfate which is often contaminated with dioxin, a known carcongen. I started making my own tallow-based soap which I use for shaving, shampooing, body wash etc. Also avoid over-the-counter toothpastes. These contain flouride which is a known neruotoxin. Very easy to make your own toothpaste with baking soda and essential oil (spearmint, clove etc.).
@Jeffthetech I suggest a brand called Kirk's. Very simple ingredients.