- Jerialice Music
I am the daughter of a rocket scientist, a composer, audio engineer, a gardener and the owner of two feral cats and a feral she-
pea. I also love my freedom, I think God every day for the gifts in my life and I hope to be able to help others in anyway I can. God help us get through this time of encroaching tyranny.
Breaking news BOMBSHELL: Federal law enforcement has mapped the entire Antifa / BLM terror structure through surveillance tech. #Trump to designate #Antifa a TERRORIST group, activating mass arrests of left-wing extremists. The Insurrection Act will be invoked, activating US troops pre-positioned across 50 cities. FUNDING sources of Antifa to be exposed and swept up. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09-27-federal-officials-cloned-phones-antifa-leaders-organization-mapped.html

As you might recall, we've been reporting on Trump's plans to invoke the Insurrection Act after the election, deploying military troops on the streets to halt the extremist left-wing political coup attempt…
www.naturalnews.comWonder if they will suck up some of the big fish in this?