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Akashic au Courant
ushering in a
Fourth Industrial
Akashic au Courant
ushering in a
Fourth Industrial
What do you think of this
#crypto #ponzi ??

This week we witnessed the latest — and perhaps more striking — sign that crypto might not be the future of finance. On Tuesday, Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of FTX, a huge crypto exchange, opened a can…
unherd.comThe Ukrainian Flip Flop
Legalize - Collect $100m in Donations - Make Illegal
What gives crypto heads?? Let us know your thoughts......

Individuals may only purchase crypto using foreign currency up to a value of 100,000 Ukrainian hryvnia ($3,400) per month.
www.coindesk.comECONOMIC WARFARE
The antidote - sound money gold, silver, or Item Banc's Information Currency which provides relative valuations, or those backed by hard goods.

TOKYO — Japan and China tend to agree on very little when it comes to economic strategy, geopolitics or managing Western idiosyncrasies. Yet Joe Biden is bringing Tokyo and Beijing together on one …
Asia TimesThe antidote - sound money gold, silver, or Item Banc's Information Currency along with those backed by hard goods are unlike the current system which is backed by debt and confidence; and with the former inflating the later is waning.
Voluntary decentralized currencies on permissionless blockchains and commodity backed digital sound money ecosystems will save a lot of grief.
Your 2% please
Let's put this CPI number in perspective...
Here are some price changes since January 2021:
Nat gas +81%
Oil +66%
Agricultural commodities +24%
Rent +13%
Used car prices +44%
Gasoline +36%
Cattle prices +20%
Lumber +15%
Coffee +92%
Hotel Prices +37%
Then, today:
CPI: +7.5%
What are your thoughts regarding #bitcoin, crypto exchanges and this debacle?

The money was found in accounts controlled by husband and wife, Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan, who have been charged with money laundering and fraud.
www.marketwatch.comThe Consumer Price Index (CPI) vs. The Item Banc Index (IBI)
#bhn #itembanc #information #crypto #currency #money #decentralized #blockchain #economics

The CPI in the United States measures the changes in prices of 80,000 or so items over a period of time. The IBI will deliver the prices of…
medium.comNever Give in to Tyranny
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill.