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Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, is a natural health care practitioner. Kat specializes in energy healing techniques. Kat is founder of the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy Vibrations vial, Blue Iris Wellness, Flower Energies vial and Rescue Remedy energy vial.
Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, is a natural health care practitioner. Kat specializes in energy healing techniques. Kat is founder of the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy Vibrations vial, Blue Iris Wellness, Flower Energies vial and Rescue Remedy energy vial.
Connect to Inner Child, have Fun & PLAY Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
EMBRACE life's surprises WITH JOY, start anew WITH a clean slate, and connect deeply WITH your soul. FIND PEACE at Home, ENGAGE in playful creativity, and approach life WITH PASSION and humor.
Discover, trust the unknown to be defined, take joy in discovery, open new pathways, experience new horizons, make new discoveries, feel new all over again, get back to a clean slate for fresh beginnings, start new things without any preconceived notions, connect to your soul and center in joy.
Home-PLAY-Oompa Loompa.
Center in peace, feel secure, safe and relax into just being, improvise, expand consciousness and discovery, have fun and be in the creative flow.
Enjoy whatever you are doing, be passionately creative.
Homeopathic Vibration Rates:
Serotonin impacts every part of your body, from your emotions to your motor skills. Serotonin is considered a natural mood stabilizer. It's the chemical that helps with sleeping, eating, and digesting.
Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) - Laughter
Gurudas Flower Essence
Teaches that laughter is a superior form of medicine. Uplifts a person's outlook on life. Aligns the etheric and emotional bodies. General tensions are alleviated.
(navigate WITH clarity, innovate, and FLOW to overcome and achieve)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
FOR a journey of enlightenment and progress where one gains clarity, embraces innovation, and leverages natural momentum to overcome challenges effortlessly, leading to breakthroughs and soaring achievements. By aligning with the natural FLOW or destiny, one can achieve their goals WITH less effort and greater SPEED, much like an Eagle soaring effortlessly to NEW heights.
Clarify things, look to the future, allow yourself to know the way, with resilience against adversity effortlessly move forward with ease and speed.
Push toward new horizons, new thinking and new routes, rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered, feel elation, exceed your usual limits and soar to new heights.
Let go of resistance and allow the natural flow of events to carry you toward a resolution, overcome obstacles, move quickly toward your goals, finally grasp potential possibilities, and end hesitation.
Blue Iris Number:
Bring immediate solution
(number pronounced "zero billion, four hundred fifty thousand, eight hundred eighty two")
Owl Energy
Owl helps improve clairvoyance and clairaudience (see the unseen, hear the unsaid), gives ability to see new perspectives and things not seen before. Owl is helpful for vision improvement.
Unstoppable Energy Circle
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
TAKE a holistic approach to personal development and action, emphasizing energy, resilience, intellectual growth, and emotional courage. BE VIBRANT, forward-moving, and unhindered by external negativity, while fostering an environment of trust, ambition, and prosperity.
Feel refreshed, revitalized, be a strong presence, gather serenity and strength, create a supportive impact, clear inertia, increase energy, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, receive and accept clarity, increase pep, nourish ambition, build and produce.
Gather energy, grow intellectually, effortlessly move forward with ease and speed, immerse in expanding capacity to be solid and strong, bringing about good fortune, abundance and prosperity.
Dispel fear and nervousness, enhance imagination and dreams, create and build faith and trust.
Grigori Grabovoi:
transforming negative into positive and for acquiring serenity and peace
Make PEACE WITH Money Energy Circle
(ACT lovingly, build wealth, & FORGIVE to prosper)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Transforming thoughts into loving actions, engaging continuously with financial growth, and releasing past financial remorse to live in a state of radiant, self-sufficient abundance.
Transform thought into action, free the mind, dispel inhibitions, dispel pain, increase generating, radiating, experiencing love and acceptance of making money.
Request: "I AM NOW OPEN to allowing the divine creator to support me through the frequency of money.
I AM NOW OPEN to releasing any pain or trauma from my lineage when it comes to money.
I AM NOW welcoming in the spirit of money to co-create with me in the most beautiful and expansive way.
I AM NOW opening myself up to having a loving relation with money." Erin Lyons
Mingle, share yourself with money, keep this going, build and produce it.
A Switchwords way of saying, "Money and I are friends and our friendship will always be."
Bury grudges and eliminate remorse regarding making money, raise your vibration, shine brightly, feel magnificent, rise above the pressure, self-sufficient with peaceful abundant living.
for healing one's relationship with money
Blue Iris Number:
Increase Self-Love/Self-Worth
The bottom line cause of most physical, mental and emotional illness is a lack of self-love and self-worth.
Ancestral Healing TOO Energy Circle
(RELEASE and heal)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Let GO of anger, guilt, and negativity; EMBRACE DIVINE understanding and enlightenment; cleanse and heal your soul, remaining unaffected by external negativity.
Dispel anger and resentment, understand, dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, defuse and release darkness, connect to the divine, bringing in knowledge, truth and enlightenment, heal your soul and your karma, release guilt and blame, cleanse with light, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
A Switchphrase to support, "Open me to release, forgive and allow cleansing and clearing of all negative energies, thoughts, condemnations and negative Karmic energy between myself and all associated with me throughout all of my Lifetimes." Author Unknown
Sacred Codes:
Heal Family Tree
Blue Iris Number:
Ho'oponopono Prayer
Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian healing technique. The word Ho'oponopono means to make right, to rectify an error. Ho’oponopono, a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutations, is a petition to Love to void and replace toxic energies within oneself. The core of Ho’oponopono Essence is the person with the vial energetically saying,“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
Tree of Life
The Tree of Life serves as a reminder for the unique, calming feeling that one gets from trees.
REJOICE in Being Home ALONE Energy Circle
(BE ALONE by yourself and enjoy the self)
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Promote a mindset of active engagement with life, personal growth, and the pursuit of joy and peace.
Dive into experiences with complete dedication, leaving no room for half-hearted efforts. Acknowledge that growth often requires you to step out of your comfort zone, releasing old pains and negative patterns that no longer serve lead a lifestyle where you actively CHOOSE to ENGAGE WITH life, welcoming CHANGE, celebrating existence, and maintaining a peaceful, secure inner state, all while enjoying life as a continuous HOLIDAY from the ordinary.
Be in touch with nature and yourself, increase focus on self.
Break through on all levels, totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing, release old pains, be empowered, dispel pain, end jealousy, center in peace, feel secure, safe and relaxed, step out of routine and enjoy yourself.
WOLF ON a PERSONAL Improvement MISSION Energy Circle
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.
5-4-3-2-1-Push is for defusing and releasing the need for procrastination, giving excuses why you can't do the things you want, feeling demotivated, disheartened, dreariness and being paralyzed by fear of doing what you want and are prompted to do.
Make confident decisions with friendly social dominance, come together with effortlessly moving forward with ease and speed, bringing about good fortune, abundance and prosperity, nourish ambition, build and produce, immerse in lightening the load, mood & stress and being inspired.
Blue Iris Numbers:
Release Fear of Life
How many people have a fear of life, of enjoying life, and of making the most of life?
An explosive energy that breaks through strong roadblocks that obstruct the person's path to health and/or the life they wish to live.
God Gene, maintain, restore and/or adjust and balance
The God Gene hypothesis proposes that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences.
Ho'oponopono Prayer
(Kat Thoughts as to how to sustain a marriage/long-term love relationship) "Life becomes what you think about the most, so keep your LOVE story alive with LOVE tales, spoken and unspoken." Kat Miller
(Kat Thoughts as to how to sustain a marriage/long-term love relationship) "Become a spin doctor, giving the tales you tell and retell a positive perspective." Kat Miller
Newly Defined Switchword: TAILWIND
TAILWIND - effortlessly move forward with ease and speed; propelled by unseen or external forces that assist in achieving goals or overcoming challenges; let go of resistance and allow the natural flow of events to carry you toward a resolution or peace; allow external factors to aid in smoothing over conflicts or difficulties; arrive at your destination early; resilience against adversity; push toward new horizons, new thinking and new routes (O) (92%) (defined 9/13/24 by Veeir Singh, Manjiri Paranjpe, Rhoda Randhawa and Kat Miller)
(Kat Thoughts as to how to sustain a marriage/long-term love relationship) "Remember all the happy times." Kat Miller
Craft Your Life Energy Circle
(transform, clarify, secure and craft your path with inspiration and light)
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Transform setbacks into uplifts, clarify things, look to the future, reconnect with Source and be secure.
Let go of unwanted energies, release stress, create a safe zone, open opportunities, eliminate remorse, dispel sorrow, immerse in reflecting light, giving and receiving joy.
Have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, feel refreshed, energized, expand capacity to accept and reside within all that is, craft your life and personal growth, intentionally and smoothly create a life you love, and be inspired.
Grigori Grabovoi:
Best Possible Outcome
Empowered Life Energy Circle
(empowerment for prosperity, resilience, and new horizons)
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Be empowered, bring about good fortune, abundance and prosperity, intensify intents, end frustration, merge with information beyond human comprehension, raise expectations, make a long distance seem short, increase safely and easily navigate life experiences, bypassing negative emotional attachments and experiencing new horizons.
FIND the Best Friendships Energy Circle
(forge connections, appreciate what you have, listen intently, and pursue higher learning)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Open up to creating associations and bonds, harmonize well with others, create bonds, eliminate remorse, give acknowledgment, recognition and appreciation for what you have, be quiet and pay close attention to what you are hearing, learn intricacies, connect to higher learning and connect to higher learning.
The only trick of friendship is to find people who are better than you are-not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving-and then to appreciate them for what they can teach you, and to try to listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how bad-or good-it might be, and to trust them, which is the hardest thing of all. But the best, as well.
~Hanya Yanagihara
POSTPONE-Kentucky Coffeetree Energy Circle
(let GO of judgment)
(courtesy Blue Iris Team)
Let GO of negative emotions and judgments, allowing FOR natural growth and resolution in due time.
POSTPONE-Kentucky Coffeetree.
Let it go, defuse and release negative energy and judgment.
A Switchphrase to support, "Let GO of judgment against yourself and others, and especially your body." Kat Miller
POINT of Power is Present Moment Energy Circle
(harness the power of NOW to manifest your highest aspirations)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Transform thought into action, increase personal ability to work miracles, and act on good impulse now.
A Switchphrase to support, "We each create our own personal reality and the point of power is the present moment." The essence of the Seth material
Qi FLOW Great Union POINT Energy Circle
(compassionate Harmony and healing)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Live WITH continuous COMPASSION, aiming FOR personal and communal Harmony, and maintaining PEACE and health despite external challenges.
The C7 Energy Point
Da zhui is at the 7th cervical vertebra which is the largest protrusion of the spinal column at the junction of the shoulder and the base of the neck. This point controls all the tendons of the body. It is the "great union point" of the qi flow connecting the hands, head and spine, enhancing feelings of compassion and potentially increasing the healing capabilities of the hands.
Be attentive to and share special kindness to promote pleasurable healing, extend life, create synergy, harmony and balance in all aspects of life, be skillful about being at peace and maintaining wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
ZERO POINT Energy Field Energy Circle
(mental and energetic BALANCE)
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
Attain a state of clarity and problem-solving efficiency, utilizing the concept of reaching a ZERO-POINT energy state FOR mental and energetic BALANCE.
Solve problems, dissipate them, improve focus and find direction (in the energy field).
Kat Note:
In essence, the Zero Point Field represents the baseline energy of the universe, present everywhere, even in what we consider to be empty space, and it's a cornerstone in understanding the quantum nature of reality.
The concept of the Zero Point Field in the context of spirituality and life creation merges quantum physics with metaphysical or spiritual beliefs, suggesting a profound connection between the physical universe and consciousness
The Zero Point Field is often revered as the ultimate source of creation and potential, where the boundaries between consciousness, energy, and matter blur. This perspective encourages a view of life and creation as an interactive process between individual consciousness and the universal field, emphasizing intention, interconnectedness, and the power of thought in shaping reality.
RELEASE Fears AROUND Spending Money Energy Circle
(courtesy Team Blue Iris)
FOR a mindset and actions geared towards creating, circulating, and sharing wealth, underpinned by a deep trust in the universe's abundance, leading to a life of prosperity and generosity.
Build your fortune, make money, increase personal ability to work miracles, mingling with (money).
Request: What will be SWP for: Money stay with me
Kat Note: I would also think you would want money to CIRCULATE, as money does you no good just sitting and not being used at all...the more you CIRCULATE money the more it comes to you TOO.
Bring into existence, transform thought to action, giving and sharing, mingling with making money.
Request: Open yourself to Abundance a Switchphrase?
Kat Note: When you want abundance, and squeeze every coin that comes your way, in fear that it is the only one to come, you prevent more from coming. The best way to BEGIN to CREATE wealth is to BEGIN to share (TRICKLE) what you already have, no matter how little or much there is.
Revise your position and attitude, allow connection with inexhaustible abundance, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, feel abundant, help others, and share peaceful abundant living.