Interested in learning about gardening, natural health and a happier life away from man made poisons.
I absolutely have no respect for the federalized Healthcare system or any federal system. I believe the federal government is no more that the mafia in distinguished clothing.
I am a critical thinker, and a digital soldier, until call upon to take my place on that line in the stand against tyranny.
I finally got my garden planted for 2023. I don't have much room to plant where I live, but this is what I planted this year. If I forgot something speak up please.
• Blackberries
• Raspberries
• Blueberries
• Peaches
• Strawberries
• Apples
• Hot peppers
• Sweet peppers
• Tomatoes
• Potatoes
• Garlic
• Snow pea pods
• Regular peas
• Carrots
• Salad onions
• Lettuce
• Spinach
• Cucumbers
• Herbs
My family will not starve. Everything I planted is organic, non-gmo, heirloom, no pesticides. If nothing else is heard I am a 64 year old mother, grandmother and great grandmother with heart and lung issues; if I can do this to protect and feed my family in times of trouble anyone can. I hunt, fish too. I am my father's tomboy, he taught me a lot. He taught me the only way a women makes it in this world is to be smart and tough and I thank him for it so much. I thank God for everything thing including giving me to the parents who raised me. There are no victims in my family, we learned from every hardship we have ever had. He had no sons, I was greatful to have the opportunity to step into that position. Now is the time for real women to show this stinking world what a women is, she the glue that holds it all together, especially when her family can't.