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Sr Engineer at Osram Sylvania 22 years Founder of Follow Your Dreams Farm
Sr Engineer at Osram Sylvania 22 years Founder of Follow Your Dreams Farm
From cliff high an excellent talk about history/power structures/money of that time and bioweapons dating far back in history. Essentially covid is not a new "the novel corona virus" thing.
Alternative News and Views, Reported by Agents Around the World, 24 hours a day
www.rumormillnews.comJuly 1, 2021 Every store in Maine charges for bags now. Why is this retarded in this "age of covid at the height of the new delta variant" Why is this retarded? Why is the super retarded now? Think about it. I have to bring my own bags from my own house and who knows hey where has that bag been. Is that bag vaccinated?!
That being said is there an underlying coordinated attempt to drive another wedge for each state given the current PTSD state the entire county is in.
From another social media site today I learned that there is an actual Jedi Church based upon the Star Wars series. Now I should apply to be a Jedi as I have lived the life so to speak for about 30 years now yet the Obi Wan in me just says leave me alone.
Buh bye then. Most of the American sheeple fucking Nazifucks deserve to die from this fucking vaccine just for being that retarded. We have truely lost America, the foundations of it, the freedoms of it, the very spirit it was founded upon. Run, sprint if you so worship this vaccine go for it. Not me, not mine, never the people I love ever.
Essential vaccine information!!!!
@timomalum When fuckbook knew my real cell phone number I stopped. A month later my fuckbook former account wanted to verify it was me by email but I did nothing again, now what, may fuckbook homepage comes up in german.
@timomalum They will not be able to contain the death rates this fall and winter.
@timomalumCatholic Church is your answer, the most Satanic of all organizations.
@timomalumHow does one decontaminate a vaccinated persons house, now that is the research we definitively need.
@timomalum You do know they made Mercola take half his stuff down.
@timomalum Propaganda 101 Dr Mike Yeadon for his latest update Number two at Pfiezer says in a full hour they have lied to you they continue to lie and when it goes to the passport thing we are ALL dead.
I can not stress Dr Mike Yeadon videos enough. Number two at Pfeizer, retired. Do use duck to find his latest and then us Google gestatpo to see how they are attacking him blatantly.
@arjayem @timomalum How about an inverted Satanic cross crucifiction with DeWalt power screw lags?
I was at my camp in Maine. They are complete mask Nazi fucks up there. Makes me want to sell the camp which is a perfect spot, an ideal place for us and the entire family. It is vary sad as the vaccine does have a 100 percent death rate plain and simple.
Do you think the convid jab is a death shot? Do you think Trump won the election? We at at the Seig Heil moment here. Defund TSA!!!
Wanna throw up? Check out the new military recruitment videos. Windham NH vote audit fraud. Salem NH company to fire people who refuse experimental convid death shot.