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Fauci was the wrong person to trust from the beginning, and people fell for him.
There is no such thing as a "safe and effective vaccine". No one is safe.
Vaccines are not actually vaccines, they're bioweapons designed to wipe out 90% of the population. If you're a skeptic, you were on the right side of history. #vaccineskill.
Nobody needed to lose their freedom over a virus. What the politicians in power did to we the people is unforgivable and inhumane. We should be holding our elected officials and unelected bureaucrats accountable instead of rushing to defend them.
It's an absolute myth that lockdowns saved countless lives, and people remain brainwashed to believe it, though it's been disproven by data and numerous studies. Everything the elites did only increased social inequality. Hold them accountable.
I don't want to go to war with Russia. I feel betrayed by Mr Putin's actions. Ukraine is our ally, Mr Putin has demonstrated that he is a blood-thirsty war-mongerer. Russia already owned Ukraine, and now Putin wants it back, he is somebody I want to torture.
French is taking a massive toll on my mental health, I wish I didn't have to learn it.
I agree that Nick Fuentes is hurting the Conservative movement in America. It's a good thing that Kari Lake turned down the invitation to AFPAC 2022.
RT is propaganda, but banning it is something I cannot support. Big Tech can do what they want, but the FCC cannot ban websites based on alleging they're propaganda.
Alex Jones is a nut, or is he ?.
Russia is now invading Ukraine, and I'm pissed at the globalists for letting this happen.
I've been watching nothing but movies on, my favorite video site thus far.
I'm just goofing around on my computer. I don't care if I continue being distracted searching whatever suggesting that comes to my mind.
I wish my fury friend were alive, Angus (May 24th 2015-June 6th 2021).
I am trapped living in Quebec, it just sucks not knowing any french. I was cursed not at birth, but by the way my parents raised me, an anglophone.
I use my computer to be distracted searching whatever as opposed to doing my schoolwork.
Fuck homework.
The mainstream media is in denial over vaccine injuries and death. They should be reporting on it, but their Big Pharma sponsors tell them no means no.
I will not be doing my homework tonight, because fuck it. I wish I weren't in school right now.
Andrew Wakefield was right all along, vaccines do cause autism. It's no longer funny.
Jett Travolta lived an amazing life, it's too bad he had Kawasaki syndrome. His story was surrounded by the fact he was the son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston, both actors.