Ty and Charlene Bollinger reveal new UNCENSORED edition of Propaganda Exposed docu-series
- Ty and Charlene Bollinger have a NEW "uncensored" edition of Propaganda Exposed
- The truth continues to come out, confirming the warnings
- Many new interviews, new updates to existing episodes and a NEW episode
- People can register now to watch for free at TheTruthAboutCancer.us
- Optional digital downloads of the entire series available for sale
- Mike Adams pledges all affiliate revenues to FOOD DONATIONS in America
- Will partner with ministries to donate food supplies to food banks and hungry Americans
- Learn the truth about covid, #vaccines , the "plandemic" and much more
@HealthRanger @Astral
So I’m not disputing what Dr. Ardis is saying at all, all I’m saying is that LaQuinta Columna
mentioned graphene oxide, and heavy metals and lipid nano particles if my memory serves me, and in the interview that Dr. Merritt did with Dr. P. Wagh they talked about the fact that Dr. Wagh’s team analyzed about 2000 vials across the world, and they found 35 different varieties of ways of mixing bottles, none of which had any spike proteins or viral material in sight! They had lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide and heavy metals! There was never any mention made of any snake venom! Now is that because they weren’t looking for it? I realize they found those in blood and feces, but Dr. Ardis also mentioned the snake venom in shots! This is very confusing unless they’re making a variety of different kinds of shots!