Totus tuus. Ret'd. Netiquette. NO profanity, SALES; Blocked: porn, bias against Jews & Catholics.
Col. 3:5-10. Live God's Commandments; become like Him. Rid yourselves of "anger, wrath, malice, slander & obscene speech".
Women looking to start families aren't willing to take the risk of #sperm from #vaccinated men

Women turning to sperm donors to get pregnant are increasingly seeking out donors who did not get a COVID-19 vaccine as concerns grow about the negative effects of the jab on reproduction and fetal development.ā¦
www.naturalnews.com@NaturalNews Good; the vaxxed man's sperm will cause trouble, too. It's sad when a whole class or people should be removed from the 'gene pool' because of evil ppl. Pray for the vaxxed; already ways are being developed that will help them heal, but until then, be careful.