Totus tuus. Ret'd. Netiquette. NO profanity, SALES; Blocked: porn, bias against Jews & Catholics.
Col. 3:5-10. Live God's Commandments; become like Him. Rid yourselves of "anger, wrath, malice, slander & obscene speech".
A liberal politician in Switzerland is under fire for using a Christian religious image for target practice

A liberal politician in Switzerland with a migrant background is under fire for using a Christian religious image for target practice. Remix News reported that Sanija Ameti, a member of the Green Liberal…
www.naturalnews.com@NaturalNews It's logical that the politician be chastised for using the holy figures of Jesus Christ and His Mother Mary for *target practice*. It's the father of lies who's behind this, and a politician who's so far from God he can't see his mistakes. Pray for him and all like him. The father of lies wants ppl to defile their souls. Instead, the Holy Trinity wants this man, and everyone, to turn to Him, seek forgiveness and have a soul that's pure.