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Please watch the Mike Adam's Interview with Christine Massey:
Full podcast FINALLY live: Situation Update, Dec 7, 2021 - We have DECODED the globalist attack on the CRYPTO landscape
Even as the owners of a large, accredited laboratory, I can find ZERO EVIDENCE that covid-19 exists in the real, physical world. No physical reference materials exist, as far as I can tell.
Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that covid-19 virus exists in the physical world
I had my daughter-in-law take me to Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine they were more accommodating and nicer. In the ER they did the same tests; exrays, bloodwork and O2 reading was 75. Yup, I had double pneumonia & they too wanted to give me a COVID TEST! I SAID HELL NO! So they admitted me to the ICCU and since I did take the test they put a yellow sticker outside my door with a + sign. I was marked.
After 2 days in there they moved me out to the 5th floor where I was kept in isolation!
Typo.... I did not take any covid tests!!!!!
The X-Files nails it:
As spike-protein-filled covid vaccines are killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world, Bloomberg writer Clara Ferreira Marques calls for MANDATORY vaccines, with the government forcing PRISON TIME on people who don't comply. As the vaccines keep KILLING people, they're going to blame the unvaccinated, of course:
I'm doing a full podcast and article based on this StateOfTheNation article, PROVING the vaccine is spreading the coronavirus. As I've warned all along, the vaccines are the pandemic, and they are injecting people with deadly spike proteins, which are biological weapons engineered to kill anyone stupid enough to take the vaccine:
Did the vaccine deep state BOMB NYC with spike proteins? It looks like it...
Situation Update, May 20th, 2021 - VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein like a bioterrorist
My question to Eric Clapton: After the FIRST round of the AZ vaccine made your hands and feet go numb, why the F did you take the SECOND round?
And some point, people gotta take responsibility for their own stupidity. If you take a shot and your hands go numb, and you're a guitar player, DON'T TAKE THE SECOND SHOT.
Why is this so difficult for people to grasp?
@HealthRanger I shared this with my son the Firefighter/medic who got both shots of the Merdena ans still does not believe me. I soent Mother's Day with him knowing I might get transmitted on,but trusting Vitamin C,D,Quercetin,Zinc,Sambucus Elderberry Syrup, and CoQ10! I told him I need too pick so.s oune needles now to make some tea, he just shook his head. Newdless to say later that day I developed a very deep cough.

The vaccine-created spike protein is itself a BIOWEAPON, and the mRNA "vaccine" turns your body into a bioweapons factory. It's all on purpose. This is why the death wave has already begun. WATCH:
Wanted to share with all my fellow Patriots: THE ANTIDOTE FOR COVID 19 SHOT is SURAMIN. I thought it not so odd that it is illegal in the USA. They say it is originally used for the African sleeping sickness and it reverses AUTISM.........
PLEASE watch the video link below with Dr. Mikovits.
Microscopy photo of a covid nasal swab. Iodine-stained, UV illumination. Approx 200X magnification. Many more photos to come on soon...
Hugely successful Tulsa event! TONS of videos coming your way shortly on Brighteon, including all the videos from the speakers of the event, and then all my private interviews with top people from the event, including Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Jeffrey Prather, Andrew Wakefield, Melissa Tate, Charlene Bollinger and tons more. Stay tuned... and new podcasts also coming Monday morning. LOTS of good news to share!
Watch "The World's Gone Nutz (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
@McHoney2u Had to watch 3 times and pause, cause so many little details. LOVE IT!!! Made me smile and catchy tune....made you BOP!
I think we needed this..I just adore squirrels!
Just 80 years later, the Nazi regime is back in power, this time under the "pandemic" banner with vaccine papers:
TWISTED: Biden regime wants to mandate COVID-19 “vaccine passport” for all Americans but continues to oppose voter ID
... somehow, ID is required for covid but not for VOTING?

It was especially infuriating to hear Democrats and their left-wing media sycophants regularly accuse Donald Trump of being a "tyrant." During his single term in office, the man literally returned more…
www.naturalnews.comThe vax-tards are a SUICIDE CULT, and they can't wait to take you with them as they die from viral super strains and vaccine side effects.
Today's powerful podcast reveals the true suicide-oriented mental illness behind vax-tards: Situation Update, Mar 25, 2021 - Don't go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT
As a Texan, I'm thrilled that Gov. Abbott has ended the mask mandates. But I must ask the question: From where does he think he got the authority to issue a mask mandate in the FIRST PLACE?
His unconstitutional order should have been rejected and resisted from DAY ONE:

On Tuesday, Mar. 2, Gov. Greg Abbott ended Texas's statewide Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandate. Alongside this, Abbot also allowed all of the state's businesses to fully reopen. Texas is committed…