Constitution only law of the Land, 2A, 1A, best helping hand at the end of your arm.
Sick of all the MSM BS.
I used to listen to @GlennBeck daily but switched to you and @Infowars because I was to the point of needing duct tape to wrap my head to keep from exploding.
Glenn is EXCELLENT in explaining connections and going into the deep dive into issues. This episode needs to be watched. You really should connect with @TheBlaze to share information with your different audiences.
After watching this I realized that I NEED to keep watching him AS WELL AS YOU. I have been a good financial supporter of your message for the last few years and you can verify my account with your store.
It is time for all of these excellent sites to MERGE the information. This is information that I was not aware, but it helps make sense of what is going on.
@AlexJones at @Infowars needs our help now too, it's time to get ALL of our audiences together and informed of what we don't know.
For the love of GOD and UNITED STATES of AMERICA lets UNITE!!!!!!!