Liberty-leaning Originalist, Pro 1A & 2A, Patriot, Retired Counter-Intel/ LEO. I hunt the evil you pretend doesn't exist. MAGA, NRA life member, and Army Vet.
Member since Jun 2021
“In Australia, the government is holding secretive talks about a massive event expected to come out of America in the imminent future.
“Several federal cabinet ministers were called to a top-secret meeting in Canberra on Wednesday ahead of a major international development expected out of the United States on Thursday morning,” the Australian-based publication The Age reported.”

Top Secret Meeting in Australia Ahead of 'Major International Development' Out of United States on Thursday
If the United States is aligning with Australia and the United Kingdom on an international matter, it must not be anything good. But it appears that the world will have to wait until Thursday morning to…
Becker News