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Chem trails last night: to keep heat wave in and claim climate change? This SQUARE cloud was dissipating by the time I went out to take picture but clear contrast between the natural clouds and unnatural square
@RedWill Last week sun was shining and there were many chem trails. I was observing as the chem trails began to spread out and could easily see a green shimmer and purple shimmer where sun was hitting edge of the chem “clouds”. Obviously was reflecting off particles or metals. Was unable to get a good picture with my phone.
@RedWill brave man… will pray for his safety!
@RedWill oh my… she looks terribly unwell
@MistyJet88 @RedWill The Demon is about to leave that skin bag!
@COSMOSUNIVERSEI asked my daughter and her husband who are in their 20’s what they thought people their age and younger would do if there was an internet outage and all social media was down for say .. two weeks? Their answer was they felt some people would have mental break downs or even commit suicide! So sad.
@RedWill the three witches
@xprodigiesxv thank you for the mold podcast! I always have migraines as the weather changes due to barometric pressure, also suffer from seasonal allergies and depression. Have known I have mold sensitivity for years. Good info in this podcast about molds affecting us and how mold spores move in weather conditions. Explains a lot of what happens with my health.
@RedWill I think it is all an act… it is becoming so ridiculous as to be completely unbelievable. I think we are in a really bad movie right now.
Vision George Washington had for Americas future. Three times of darkness covering our land.. I believe we may be coming to the third one where he saw us fighting each other after people came by ship and by land to overtake this country.
Possibly the Texas vs. Feds causing constitutional crisis… then the fighting age men who are pouring into the country do terrorist acts in various cities causing mass chaos?
Crazy times for sure.
Some prophetic voices are asking us to pray over the waterways, dams, etc in our states. Multiple dreams and visions of an attack on US waterways and our water supply. Please consider praying for protection, specifically in your own state and area. Thank you!
@timomalum The Wisdom generation… they made it thru the Great Depression and would be able to guide us through what is coming.
bardsfm (Scott Kesterson) says on his podcast that the war has gone HOT, meaning all out psych ops push. Chemicals released, forcing people from their homes and land, no independent reporters allowed near the train wreck. MSU shooting, UFO reports, etc. All meant to completely demoralize us.
Asbury, Kentucky... a student led revival of repentance, worship, testimony since last Wednesday. Tucker Carlson covered it in his show.
There are prophesies and dreams of revival spreading across America and the world and that God will use the media to show what He is doing whether they want to broadcast it or not.
DutchSheets give him 15 today described dream in which eagles left Kentucky with arrows of revival and Holy Spirit fire and spread across the land. Interestingly, Asbury college mascot is the eagle.
Let's see where this all goes.
@MistyJet88 with the Mark of the Beast on deck I think we should look to the prophecies in the Bible. I do believe the Holy Spirit has everything in suspended animation so that people can take these last opportunities to turn to Christ before the tribulation begins in earnest, but let's be careful we are not like the false prophets of Israel who promised victory in the face of the Babylonian invasion. This is going down. Christ is coming soon and the devil is going to manifest his final empire. There is no revival that is going to stop that.
I found out first hand how big pharma runs everything. My mom's doctors messed up her anti-anxiety meds and caused her to have sub clinical seizures on Dec 28. She had small seizures for two days. In the meantime they gave her a Covid test before I arrived at ER, and of course she tested positive. From then on, the seizures became due to "brain swelling from Covid". Neurology stopped seizures using the drug they had taken away from her and two powerful anti seizure meds. She slept for two days after. God showed us she was back to normal on Sunday and Monday, except for likely needing some PT and OT. Then she went down hill quickly. She became almost comatose. She thought she was feeding herself with her eyes closed but was chewing on her own fingers. Drs insisted she could make own medical decisions. Basically, they were shutting down her body systems with high doses of seizure meds.
CONT: They refused to lower seizure med levels as my mom turned yellow and ceased to eat or drink or speak or move. I fought with drs, nurses, anyone who would listen! Finally I had my sister play the lawyer card. Suddenly WE were in charge of my moms meds, IN THE HOSPITAL! I have never seen such a thing. I refused each dose of seizure med, allowing only the med they had originally taken away. Every 12 hours that passed Mom made amazing gains. Finally the nurses started to pass on to the next shift what not to give my mom, as they could see her improvement. We got her out to a safe nursing facility to finish recovering. I am so proud of how strong my 88 yr old Mom has been thru all of this. LESSON: YOU can refuse meds at a hospital! Drs will kill with meds if they aren't stopped. All patients need an advocate watching constantly! The medical system in America is NOT good.
@Shawna_lynns have no desire to celebrate Christmas this year either.... I know the cabal just wants us to spend spend spend. evil companies who exploit children and parents don't seem to give a damn. we live in hell.
@macmcdonald maybe Pelosi was about to expose Hilary?
@peterlittlehorse very very sad.
maybe this is the big event that "didnt happen" over the weekend? A catalyst for things yet to occur? In this podcast, Scott Kesterson explains how God arranged a meeting between Scott and the VP of Navajo nation at the reservation to begin the process of healing this nation and becoming ONE nation under God, to defeat this evil.
Read this point in time we are all just living on a prayer