Freedom Liberty USA Republic Loving Conservative Republican Trump Supporter
I think the other depicted men would say delay the etching as was done with them. Washington declined strongly Hamilton’s wish to call him “Your Highness”. Care must be taken to not elevate even a great man lest that elevation be his downfall.
And Trump didn’t exactly start from humble.
I think his face will make it up there. Let’s wait. The rocks aren’t going
Remember this? What I did not say December 7th was that his face could be beside the four OR directly opposite. His choice!
I told him as early as April, 2017 that with me Performance Talks; Bullshit Walks! My email then was not returned “undeliverable”.
Everyone, tonight, suck it up. Dust yourself off. Get off your ass and know FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! You want it? Demand it! You want it? Fight for it! Take it! That will Make America Great Again; not a damned pep rally.