I am an American who believes in Freedom and the freedom to share truth. I post both sides of the debate and respect everyone's right to agree or disagree. I enjoy reading, walking, and researching history. Love beautiful music, good crime dramas and enjoy fishing.
Ori Slav
8 minutes ago
...notice they all have their right hand on the left side of their heart ...the two in the back don't even want to ))) ...and the one in the front that's backwards? ...it's a group photo with the emblem (gate) in the middle ...why is it backwards? ...simply put "to preserve the synergy of the effect of Jachym and Boaz on the onlooker" ...that's all there is to it ...you simply cannot be "committed to the cause" without the "touch" of the heart (and that's what the emblem signifies) ...so the 2 buffoons in front represent the 2 columns in synchrony, that's why they are going against each other ...feel free to study this on the internet around the various Masonic lodges