Media in #BigPharma’s pocket, attacks physicians who promote cheap, effective, early treatment options for #COVID-19 https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-07-media-attacks-physicians-who-promote-options-for-covid19.html

Media in Big Pharma's pocket, attacks physicians who promote cheap, effective, early treatment options for COVID-19
America's Frontline Doctors released the following statement in response to inaccurate and slanderous reporting by both Time Magazine and NBC News. (Article republished from AmericasFrontlineDoctor.org) When…
www.naturalnews.comI had covid and the treatment was a benuron. more cheap than benuron?
@NaturalNews Treemountain you are funny. You had a virus that doesn't exist. More Lies covering for the fake virus
@NaturalNews at the truth I had real symptoms, so...