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The Biden regime says it's going to send #vaccines to Central and South American countries to help all those people who are trying to come to the USA. It's not hard to figure out these "free vaccines" are going to be the batches made in Baltimore that FAILED quality control for AstraZeneca and J&J. Central and South America will be the DUMPING GROUNDS for vaccines that are too faulty to risk distributing across America, because the deaths will be too obvious. Just wait...
Target stores are selling a prayer book that contains the prayer, "Dear God, please help me to HATE white people."
This is the new "tolerance" of the racist Left, and corporations like Target that have become anti-white bigots.

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring…
www.naturalnews.comAt 2pm central today, join my LIVE STREAM test on Brighteon, using our new P2P live streaming technology. We are trying to stress test it, so just join in any browser and leave it open until the stream ends. I will be talking about random news and such... anyway, it will be LIVE!

stream.brighteon.comMy live stream test begins in 15 minutes, at 2pm central, if you'd like to check it out. This is our new live streaming tech, we are trying to stress test it with a lot of live users. Thank you for helping with that:

stream.brighteon.comApril 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat your brain" like Mad Cow Disease. Here's the full podcast that explains all the details and science papers covering this:
Enjoy the "Vaccine Zombie" song and music video I created over a decade ago! All the lyrics are now true more than ever! And a zombie wave is coming from PRIONS and a type of "mad cow disease" that may be caused by mRNA vaccines:
Holy canoli! And he's unharmed!
Welcome to the Magic Kingdom of TYRANNY! Guests who refuse to be covid temp checked at Disney parks are being ARRESTED!

A Louisiana man who allegedly spent $15,000 on a vacation to the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Fla., was hunted down and arrested after he failed to stop at a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) temperature…
www.naturalnews.comCoca-Cola was big in Nazi Germany, making lots of money by keeping the Fuhrer happy, in EXACTLY the same way Coca-Cola is now appeasing Democrat fascists in America:
Just 80 years later, the Nazi regime is back in power, this time under the "pandemic" banner with vaccine papers:
You would NEVER hire a person who has the background of big pharma: Criminal fraud, bribery, price fixing, kickback schemes, exploiting children, etc. So why would you trust one of these criminal companies with a vaccine?
Why you should NEVER take financial advice from people who get vaccinated... they don't understand RISK!
To call Jill Biden a moron is just too easy. There's a level of stupidity and ignorance at work that goes beyond description. Trying to appeal to Hispanics, she recently proclaimed, "Si, se pwa-dwe!"

TwitterTWISTED: Biden regime wants to mandate COVID-19 “vaccine passport” for all Americans but continues to oppose voter ID
... somehow, ID is required for covid but not for VOTING?

It was especially infuriating to hear Democrats and their left-wing media sycophants regularly accuse Donald Trump of being a "tyrant." During his single term in office, the man literally returned more…
www.naturalnews.comNow even former Big Pharma executives are publicly admitted it may all be about DEPOPULATION... the vaccines are designed to cause infertility and deaths. If you take experimental vaccines, you are committing suicide.
Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines could be “used for massive-scale depopulation”

Dr. Michael Yeadon is sounding the alarm about how Big Government and Big Pharma are up to no good with their joint campaign to mass inject the planet for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The former…