God Loving, America loving, freedom loving, and 2A loving~ 31 years in healthcare. My screen name~ I love politics and we are all getting screwed by Biden!
I have put up with all the Covid BS along with the masks and the vaccines in the hospitals across this country. I will NOT continue to work in an industry that thinks it is ok to alter the sex of a child or encourage it, when children don't even know what they want to be when they grow up! The American Medical Association is a disgrace to healthcare.

When the Left derides “disinformation” as a threat, they’re making a confession. They are, in effect, admitting that ideas and opinions that run counter to the preferred establishment narrative are a threat…
www.washingtonexaminer.com@POLITICALPORN1 That is why I left my job and retired early. Rather work for myself. All the unions support this demonic agenda.
@Beenaround need any staff lol.
@arjayem I will have to check it out. Gerald Harmon has a connection financially to the Moderna vaccine as well.